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Dr. Amira mohamed Salama abdelfattah :: Publications:

Effect of Levin’s Conservation Model Application on Fatigue and Sleep Quality among Postpartum Women
Authors: Sahar Abdelrady Elkheshen1, Hemmat Mostafa Elbanna2, Amira Mohamed Salama2.
Year: 2023
Keywords: Fatigue, Levin’s Conservation Model, Postpartum Women, Sleep Quality
Journal: Egyptian Journal of Nursing & Health Sciences
Volume: 4
Issue: 1
Pages: 19-41
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: Local
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper Amira mohamed Salama abdelfattah_EJNHS_Volume 4_Issue 1_Pages 19-41.pdf
Supplementary materials Not Available

Background: Because of the physiological, social, and psychological changes that occur after giving birth, the postpartum period is crucial for both women and their families. These changes all have an impact on how well women sleep. Aim: This research aimed to evaluate effect of Levin’s conservation model application on fatigue and sleep quality among postpartum women. Design: A quasi-experimental research design (two-Groups, time series pre /post- test quasi-experimental design). Sample: 76 pregnant women. Setting: The present research conducted at antenatal outpatient clinic and postpartum unit in Obstetrics and gynecological department at Benha University Hospital, Egypt. Tools: Three tools were used for data collection: A structured interviewing questionnaire which encompassed two major parts: demographic data, women’s knowledge questionnaire, The Visual Analogue Scale for fatigue and Pittsburg Sleep Quality Index. Results: There were highly statistically significant difference between study and control group regarding total subjective sleep quality, total sleep latency, total sleep duration, total sleep disturbance and overall score of quality and patterns of sleep 6 weeks after intervention (P=

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