This study was carried out to determine the effect
of the combination of three N levels (0, 40 ad 80 kg
N/fad.), three P levels (0, 16 and 32 kg P205/fad.) and
two —1evelg (0, 48 kg K2o/f ad.) on the yield, yield compo
nents and chemical analysis of soybean, clark cultivar
Nitrogen application significantly increased plant height,
number of pods/plant, weight of pods/plant, lOO-geeً weight,
seed yield/fad, protein yield/fad, and oil yield/fad,
The maximum seed yield was obtained by applying eo kg N/fad.
On the other hand N, protein and oil Contents in seeds
of soybean were not significantly affected by applying
N fertilizer levels. Nitrogen application Significantly
decreased P% and X%. Seed yield/fad, increased significa
tly by increasing phosphorus fertilizer rates up to 32
kg P205/fad, in one season only. Whereas, the yield compo
nents and chemical analysis in seeds of Soybean were not
Significantly affected by P or N application.