The effect of N and P on seedcottonyield, boll andfiber properties of three cuitivars were studied during
1984 and 1985 seasons. The results showed that N is an
important factor affecting seedcotton yield/fad.,, number
of open boils/plant, boll weight and length parameters.
P applied had a significant effect on seedcotton yield
and its macrocomponents given above. Differences amoٌg
cultivars were significant for number of open bolls/plant,
boll weight lint percent, staple length, fiber finess and
strength. Fiber properties were not affected by applied
P in the three studied cultivars. A significant cultivar
x N interaction was detected for seedcotton yield/fad.
for all cultivars. And significant N x P x cultivar inter
action was detected for the number of boll/plant.