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Prof. Prof.Dr.Maarouf Ahmed Maarouf :: Publications:

The Impact of Wearing High Heels on Women's Health and Attractiveness: A Field Study
Authors: M. A. Maarouf-PhD
Year: 2015
Keywords: High heels - women's healthy and attractiveness - fashion design - accessories – backbones.
Journal: ISSN 2090-4304 Journal of Basic and Applied Scientific Research
Volume: 5
Issue: 2090-4304
Pages: 54-61,
Publisher: 2015, TextRoad Publication
Local/International: International
Paper Link:
Full paper Prof.Dr.Maarouf Ahmed Maarouf_Acceptance letter1 - high heels-8-2015.pdf
Supplementary materials Prof.Dr.Maarouf Ahmed Maarouf_Acceptance letter1 - high heels-8-2015.pdf

The research explores relationship between women's health ,attractiveness and wearing high heels(one of women's accessories) and aims to know the Impact of wearing high heels on women's health and attractiveness . In fact: a lot of women prefer wearing high heels for some reasons although there are some bad results. One of these reasons:, they believe that high heels increase their tall and attractiveness, additional to some women thinks that the high heel gives their truest. The field study used about 200 of business women & employees and university students (girls) and divided them into two main groups.  First group: for business women and employees.  Second group: for university students. Finally, the researcher used Experimental scientific method and the results of the field study were the following: 68% of the business women prefer wearing high heels because they believe that it suitable for the business and it gives them more tall , more trust and more attractiveness. 52% of the workers women prefer wearing high heels because they think that it gives them taller and more attractive. 66% of university girls prefer wearing flat or sports shoes because they believed that it comfortable and practical while 33% of them prefer wearing high heels shoes because they believe that it makes them attractive, But, 88% of the all [women , employees ,university students] prefer wearing high heels in the special occasion. Finally, the researcher recommends worthwhile to study the impact of some elements and design on health and attractiveness of women.

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