Litter size and weight at birth and at weaning in addition to pre-weaning litter losses were investigated using purebred and single crossbred litters produced by Giza White (G) and Grey Giant Flander (F) rabbits. The overall least squares means of litter size at birth and at weaning were 6.4 and 3.4 young, respectively. The corresponding estimates for litter weight were 333 and 1389 g. The percent of pre-weaning litter losses averaged 17.0%. The effects of breed group, age , of doe and parity on litter traits were not significant. Month of kindling constituted an important factor influencing (P < 0.01) all traits studied. Pre-weaning litter losses increased insignificantly with the increase of litter size at birth. Crossbreeding between G and F rabbits was associated with the presence of heterotic effects on litter size and weight at birth and at weaning and also with a reduction in pre-weaning litter losses. |