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Prof. Maher Hasab El-Nabi Khalil :: Publications:

Genetic evaluation of the lactational performance of Giza White rabbits and its relation with preweaning litter traits - 1993
Authors: Khalil M.H.
Year: 1993
Keywords: Giza White rabbits, genetic evaluation, lactational performance, litter traits, repeatabilities,
Journal: Egyptian Journal of Rabbit Science
Volume: 3
Issue: 1
Pages: 113-127
Publisher: Egyptian Rabbit Science Association
Local/International: Local
Paper Link:
Full paper Maher Hasab El-Nabi Khalil_1993 - Genetic evaluation of the lactational performance of Giza White rabbits.pdf
Supplementary materials Not Available

An experiment was carried out in Egypt using Giza White rabbits to investigate its lactational performance and to estimate the repeatabilities of milk yield and some reproductive intervals along with other litter traits. Data on 325 litters from 115 does fathered by 40 sires were used. Lactation traits involved milk yields during the first seven days (11/17), 21 days (MY21) and 35 days (TMY). Litter traits included litter size (LSB) and weight (LWB) at birth, number born alive (NBA), litter weight (LW21) and gain (LG21) at 21 days, litter size (LSW) and weight (LWW) at weaning, preweaning litter gain (PLG) and daily gain in litter (PDG) and preweaning mortality (PM), while reproductive intervals included days open (DO) and kindling interval (KI). Phenotypic variations in DO and Kr were relatively high compared with other litter and lactation traits. Year-season effects were significant for most litter and interval traits, while month of kindling affected (p

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