A proposed model for the description of rabbit genetic resources in Mediterranean countries is presented. The descriptive model for any breed-strain must include data on population (e.g., population size, herd sizes, origin of breed, immigration, danger of extinction, conservation programmes, etc.), main use of the breed, physical characteristics (e.g., colour, general-type, body parts, etc.), temperament, climate, main features of farming (nutrition, housing, common diseases and parasites), and performance characteristics ( e.g., reproductive efficiency, semen characteristics, fertility and fecundity, lactation and maternal behaviour, lifetime production, body weights and measurements, growth rate and survival, food utilisation, carcass characteristics, wool and fur traits, physiological reaction to climatic stress, etc.). For each breed-strain presented, this information will be presented in one section for physical characteristics and another for pattern and performance characteristics. A section will also be devoted to improvement of the breed-strain (through selection or crossing with other breeds). |