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Prof. Maher Hasab El-Nabi Khalil :: Publications:

Heterosis, maternal and direct genetic effects for litter performance and reproductive intervals in rabbit crosses - 1995
Authors: Khalil M.H., Afifi E.A., Youssef, Y.M.K., Khadr A.F.
Year: 1995
Keywords: Baladi Red rabbits, litter performance, reproductive intervals, Heterosis, maternal and direct genetic effects
Journal: World Rabbit Science, France,
Volume: 3
Issue: 3
Pages: 99-105
Publisher: World Rabbit Science Association
Local/International: International
Paper Link:
Full paper Maher Hasab El-Nabi Khalil_1995 - Heterosis, maternal and direct genetic effects for litter performance and reproductive intervals in rabbit crosses.pdf
Supplementary materials Not Available

A crossbreedin experiment was carried out in Egypt involving a local breed Baladi Red, BR) and an exotic one (New Zealand White, NZ) to estimate direct heterosis, maternal additive effects and direct additive effects on some litter trails and reproductive intervals in doe rabbits. Litter traits included litter size and weight and mean young weight (at birth, 21 days and at weaning), number born alive and preweaning litter gain and mortality, while reproductive intervals included days open (interval from kindling to next conception) and kindling interval (period between two consecutive parturitions). Data were analysed using a linear mixed model. Winter kincllings recorded the largest litter size and the heaviest weight and gain of litter weight up to weaning along with the lowest preweaning mortality compared to autumn and spring kindlings. Heterosis was RÉSUMÉ : Heterosis, effets Onetiques matemels et directs sur lea performances des portOes et lea intervalles entre mises bas dans le cas de croisements entre lapins. Line experience de croisement a eta Molls& en Egypte en utilisant une race locale (Bala& Red, BR) et un race etrangere (New Zealand White, NZ) afin d'etuclier Iheterosis direct, les effets additifs rnaternels of les effets additifs directs sur quelques unes des caracteristiques des porteos et des intervalles entre mise bas des lapines. Les caracteristiques des portees sent la taille of le polds des portees, le poids moyen des lapereaux (a la naissance, 21 jaws at au sewage), le nombre de jeunes nes vivants, le gain de poids avant le sewage et le faux de mortalite ; les intetvalles entre misc bas comprennent le delai entre une mise-bas at 0 conception suivante, ainsi quo la &tee entre 2 mises bas consecutives. Les resultats ant ete analyses en utilisant modele linealre mixte. Au total, 190 femelles et 47 males ont ete utilises. Les mises bas hivernales condo/sent a des portees de taille et de poids plus aleve, ainsi qua un gain de poids des portees plus 601/6 entre la naissance of le

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