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Prof. Maher Hasab El-Nabi Khalil :: Publications:

Estimation of crossbreeding components for some lifetime traits in upgrading trails of Domiati cattle with three dairy breeds in Egypt - 2001
Authors: Afifi E.A., Khalil M.H., Arafa S.A.
Year: 2001
Keywords: Egyptian Doiniati colvs,up-grading, lifetime traits, additive, heterotic and recombination effects
Journal: Egyptian Journal of Animal Production
Volume: 38
Issue: 1
Pages: 1-14
Publisher: Egyptian Association of Animal Production
Local/International: Local
Paper Link:
Full paper Maher Hasab El-Nabi Khalil_2001 - Estimation of crossbreeding components for some lifetime traits in upgrading trails.pdf
Supplementary materials Not Available

Lifetime traits in three tip-.grading trials of local Doiniati with Friesian (Friesian trial), Shorthorn (Shorthorn trial) and Jersey (Jersey trial) were genetically evaluated. Direct (CI) and maternal (Gm) additive effects, direct (111) and maternal (1151) heterozic effects anti direct ( ) and maternal (R') recombination effects for total kilograms born (TIC13), number of calvings (NC), herd life (AIL), length of productive life (LPL), TKIVIIL and TK13/LPL were c,stimated, In Friesian and Shorthorn trials, upgrades . enerally showed the highest ine(M_5101- TKB, NC. I-IL and LPL relative to the TWO parental purebreds, but in Jerse.v trial, upgrades showed higher means than local Donnati an/v. In Friesian trial, TKE/LPL and TKB/HL decreased with the increase of Friesian genes., while, no deer trend was detected for the same trails in Shorthorn and Jersey trials. In the three trials, estimates of Gl jOr all lifetime trails were generally in favour (y the European breeds, except for 7-K13/L1-L. In Friesian and Jersey trials, estimates of Gm .1.•ere negative and in favour of the European breeds, while the estimates recorded in Shorthorn trial were positive and in l'avour of local Dam/an. Estimates of HI recorded for all traits in Friesian and Shorthorn trials were positive, while the estimates recorded in Jersey trial were negative, ht Friesian trial, estimates of Hi were 43.2% fen' TKB, 36.8% for NC, 8.7% for HL, 177 % for LPL, 43.3% for TK11/1-11, and 19.3% for Tl

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