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Prof. Maher Hasab El-Nabi Khalil :: Publications:

Crossbreeding components for some semen parameters of bucks obtained from crossing Saudi Aradi goats with Damascus - 2010
Authors: Al-Sobayil K.A., El-Zarei M.F., Al-Saef A.M., Zeitoun M.M., Khalil M.H.
Year: 2010
Keywords: Goats, crossbreeding, semen, direct additive, direct heterosis.
Journal: Egyptian Journal of Sheep and Goats Sciences, 3rd International Scientific Conference on Small Ruminant Production, 12-15 April 2010; Hurghada, Egypt.
Volume: 5
Issue: 1
Pages: 113-124
Publisher: Egyptian Association of Sheep and Goats
Local/International: International
Paper Link:
Full paper Maher Hasab El-Nabi Khalil_2010 - Crossbreeding components for some semen parameters of bucks obtained from crossing Saudi Aradi goats with Damascus.pdf
Supplementary materials Not Available

A crossbreeding program between Aradi Saudi breed (A) with Syrian Damascus breed (D) was practiced for three years to produce ½D½A genotype. A total number of 191 ejaculates collected from 42 bucks fathered by 12 sires and mothered by 42 dams were used to evaluate semen characteristics of bucks. An animal model was used to estimate heritabilities and permanent environmental effects and variance components obtained by this animal model were used to solve the corresponding mixed model equations, obtaining solutions for the genetic group means and their standard errors. A generalized least square procedure was used to estimate direct additive genetic effects and direct heterosis. Heritabilities obtained for semen characteristics were mostly moderate or low and ranged from 0.04 to 0.16. Direct additive effects were in favor of Aradi bucks by 11.4% for ejaculate volume, 4.2% for live sperms and 5.7% for total sperm output relative to Damascus bucks, while a reverse trend in favor of Damascus bucks was recorded for sperms concentration (-3.6%), total motility of sperms (-15.0%), and dead sperms (24.5%). Positive and significant estimates of direct heterosis for volume of ejaculate (16.3%), total sperms output (12.5%), sperms concentration (5.4 %) along with a negative estimate recorded for abnormal sperms percentage (-3.3%) were favorable for crossbred bucks; i.e. crossing Saudi Aradi does with Damascus bucks was associated with an increase in ejaculate volume (0.245 ml, P

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