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Prof. Maher Hasab El-Nabi Khalil :: Publications:

Molecular analysis of crossbreeding experiment to improve immune genetic response against salmonella in poultry - 2018
Authors: Saleh M. S., Iraqi M.M., Khalil M.H., Antonio C.
Year: 2018
Keywords: Gallinacin genes, salmonella, immune response, crossbreeding, PCR-RFLP, poultry.
Journal: 4th International Conference on Biotechnology Applications in Agriculture (ICBAA), 4-7 April 2018, Hurghada, Egypt. Benha University, Egypt
Volume: 1
Issue: Not Available
Pages: 33-34
Publisher: Faculty of Agriculture, Benha University, Egypt
Local/International: International
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper Maher Hasab El-Nabi Khalil_2018 -Molecular analysis of crossbreeding experiment to improve immune genetic response- ASSJM_Volume 56.pdf
Supplementary materials Not Available

Gallinacins are functional analogues of the mammalian beta-defensins and play an important role in the innate immunity against microbial infections in chickens. Salmonella Typhimurium is a gram-negative bacterium that adversely affects both human and animal health. A crossbreeding experiment in chickens was conducted between an Egyptian breed (Fayoumi; F) and an exotic breed (Rhode Island Red; R) to improve the immune genetic response against salmonella in F1 chicks of ½F½R and their reciprocal cross of ½R½F. This study aimed to assess the association between four Gallinacins polymorphic genes (Gal2, Gal3, Gal4 and Gal5) and cecal salmonella bacterial count or antibodies titer (IgA, IgG and IgM). The cecal bacterial count and the antibodies titer were determined in both F1 chicks after pathogenic with S. Typhimurium. The polymorphic genes of Gal2, Gal3, Gal4 and Gal5 were assessed by the restriction fragment length polymorphism technique (PCR-RFLP) using HpyCH4IV, AvaI, AluI and HinfI restriction enzymes, respectively. The Gal2 gene was homozygous for the four genetic groups (FF, RR, FR and RF), so it was excluded from the association study. Among the four genes studied, the GAL3 gene was found to be significantly (p

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