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Prof. Mohamed Khairy El-Sayed Abd El-Hafez Morsy :: Scientific Activities:

Scientific Activities of 2012
1-Participate in the module entitle "Application Training" of the further domain "Programme Preparation" within the DAAD Kairo Akademie on the 8th of January 2012 at the premises of the "DAAD Cairo" by Dr. Claudia GroB.
2-Introduction to Safety in Food Microbiology Laboratory “Training Course" Environmental Health and Safety, Pennsylvania State University, Park, PA, (USA). October, 2012.
3-Chemical Safety in Laboratory “Training Course" Environmental Health and Safety, Pennsylvania State University, Park, PA, (USA). October, 2012
4-Hazardous Waste Management and Disposal in Food Microbiology Laboratory “Training Course" Environmental Health and Safety, Pennsylvania State University, Park, PA, (USA). October, 2012
5-Emergency Preparedness in Food Microbiology Laboratory “Training Course" Environmental Health and Safety, Pennsylvania State University, Park, PA, (USA). October, 2012
6-Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) Training program, Research Instrumentation Management System (RISM), Pennsylvania State University, Park, PA, (USA). November, 2012
7-Food Safety and Sanitation Short Course, Department of Food Science, College of Agricultural Sciences, Pennsylvania State University, Park, PA, (USA). October 9- 11, 2012.
Scientific Activities of 2011
8-Supervise of the scientific trips in food factories of Cairo, Alexandria, Burj Al Arab, the 10 Ramadan, Kaha- Qalyoub, Tanta and Hawamdia for undergraduate students in Food Sci., Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Benha University
9-Participation of the summer training program for undergraduate students in Food Sci., Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Benha University
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