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Dr. Mohamed Ahmed Ahmed Freshah

Academic Position: Lecturer

Current Administrative Position: Section Manager

Ex-Administrative Position:

Faculty: Engineering, Shoubra

Department: Surveying Engineering


Alternative Email:

Mobile: +8615549448757

Scientific Name: Mohamed Freeshah

Publications [ Titles(13) :: Papers(7) :: Abstracts(13) ]

Courses Files( 8)

Inlinks: (7)

External links: (0)


2019 New International Students Orientation at LIESMARS, Wuhan University [2020-09-15]
This year, Mohamed Freeshah gave the speech of 2019 at LIESMARS, Wuhan University as the representative of all senior students in State Key Laboratory of Information Engineering in Surveying, Mapping and Remote Sensing. The Speech content was as follow: Good morning Director, teachers, and fellow students, I am M F, from Egypt, I am a PhD student in LIESMARS, Wuhan University. I’d like to thank our school to give me this honorable opportunity to meet you and speak to you. On behalf of the senior Students, I'd like to welcome all of you to our school (LIESMARS). This is not only state key laboratory but also like a big family. Where you can find support, help, and knowledge. LIESMARS is one of the top-level schools in Remote sensing not only in China but also in whole the world. So, all of us should be proud to be part of LIESMARS. I am sure we all want to achieve success and have a great time, so let me give you some advice. We know that you are from different schools, universities, countries which abide by different rules. But I believe they all share common goals: to guarantee the safety of the people and apply order. So, all of us should follow the Chinese laws as well as school and university rules. Another thing, it is not easy to spend your whole time studying only. So, try to enjoy beside your study. Fortunately, China is a very big country and the Chinese people are awesome and cooperative people. Try to travel to different places, even in Wuhan you can visit many beautiful places. Also, participate in different student activities. such as Volunteering works, student unions like EGSC or even the English corner. You will gain new skills, new friends and enjoy your time. Do your best in your research, do your best in life and welcome again in LIESMARS, wish you all the best. Xie xie more

Research Interests

*Visualizing and Analyzing Earth Science data. *Interdisciplinary studies in Earth system science, including natural and human disasters and their physical mechanism to disturb the upper atmosphere. *Change detections and Land use/land cover assessments. *Model coupling with remote sensing for ionospheric disturbances detection. *Remote sensing of Ionospheric Total Electron Content through CORS stations. *Studying climate storms and climate change impact on the ionosphere.

selected publications

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