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Prof. Mohammad Mahmoud Mohammad Ibrahim :: Publications:

The Discharge Coefficient for a Compound Sharp Crested V-Notch Weir
Authors: Abdel Azim Mohamed Ali, Mohamed Ibrahim and A. I. Diwedar
Year: 2015
Keywords: V-notchWeir, WeirDesign,Hydraulicstructures, Discharge Measuring Structures
Journal: Asian Journal of Engineering and Technology
Volume: 5
Issue: 3
Pages: 594-501
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: International
Paper Link:
Full paper Mohammad Mahmoud Mohammad Ibraheem_3008-10984-1-PB.pdf
Supplementary materials Not Available

This paper presents experimental work to investigate the discharge coefficient for a compound V-notch weir. This weir is composed of two triangular parts with distinctive notch angles. Fundamental standards were utilized to connect the release to the significant geometrical and hydraulic parameters in non-dimensional form. Physical model tool was used, where more than 30 runs were executed in a rectangular flume. Five weir models were tested representing different weir characteristics. The outcomes were contrasted with previous work, the discharge coefficients were found in a decent concurrence with the comparable compound sharp-crested weir. The study demonstrated the principle point of preference of the proposed compound weir to allow a decent exactness in the flow measurement for a varied range of flows with no cutoffs as well.

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