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Prof. Mohammad Mahmoud Mohammad Ibrahim :: Publications:

The mitigation measures of sediment deposition in-front of El Kuraimat power plant intake
Authors: Gamal Elsaeed, Mohammad Bahgat, Mohammad Ibrahim, Rowida Elsayed
Year: 2016
Keywords: Hydrodynamic, Water Intake, Flow Distribution, Power Plant, River
Journal: Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research
Volume: 3
Issue: 3
Pages: 155:164
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: International
Paper Link:
Full paper Mohammad Mahmoud Mohammad Ibrahim_JSAER2016-03-03-155-164.pdf
Supplementary materials Not Available

The objectives of the current research were to mitigate the sedimentation problem in front of thermal power plant intakes, case study, El Kuraimat thermal power plant, also investigate the effectiveness of a set of alternatives to solve this problem. Several sorts of data were collected including, velocity measurements, hydrographic survey data, water levels and discharges in several years and seasons. 2-D numerical model, iRIC "international River Interface Corporative" was utilized to simulate the study area and test the set of alternatives to meet the optimum solution, the model was calibrated and verified using the field velocities and water levels. The set of alternatives were used to improve the flow pattern inside the eastern channel, where the plant intake was located. The model results were revealed that connecting the small formed island and the downstream tip of El Kuraimat island to bed level 23.00 m, was the optimum solution from both the hydraulic and economical point of view.

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