You are in:Home/Publications/Late Neogene paleoclimate and paleoenvironment reconstructions from the Pipe Creek Sinkhole, Indiana, USA. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. V. 274 (3-4), p. 173–184

Dr. Mohamed K Zobaa :: Publications:

Late Neogene paleoclimate and paleoenvironment reconstructions from the Pipe Creek Sinkhole, Indiana, USA. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. V. 274 (3-4), p. 173–184
Authors: Shunk, A. J., Driese, S. G., Farlow, J. O., Zavada, M. S. and Zobaa, M. K.
Year: 2009
Keywords: Not Available
Journal: Not Available
Volume: Not Available
Issue: Not Available
Pages: Not Available
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: International
Paper Link: Not Available
Full paper Mohamed K Zobaa_Shunk et al., 2009 draft.pdf
Supplementary materials Not Available

The Late Neogene represents warm Earth conditions immediately prior to the development of extensive northern hemisphere glaciation, and this period in Earth history may therefore provide the best available analog for the projected outcome of continued global warming. There are few interior continental sites of Late Neogene age from the eastern half of North America and subsequently very little is known about the conditions characterizing climate. The Early Pliocene (~5 Ma) Pipe Creek Sinkhole (PCS) includes the sediment fill of a complex karst environment that developed in north-central Indiana, USA (Lat. 40° 27' 25.4", Long. 85° 47' 37.2"). The site includes more than 3 m of high-chroma, red-colored silty-clay sediment interpreted to be terra rossa. The δ13 C values PCS terra rossa average -20 ±0.7‰ PDB, and are interpreted to represent sediment deposited in a closed cave system under high temperatures and with welldrained soils. An in-situ paleosol at the top of the terra rossa represents a transition from a closed cave to an open environment that eventually flooded, thereby becoming a small pond. δ13 C values from lacustrine sediments with organic matter derived dominantly from algae average -20.6 ‰ and suggest the pond was stagnant and enriched with bicarbonate from the underlying limestones or via aquifers. Pond sediments include abundant vertebrate fossils, which are broadly consistent with those inhabiting an open ecosystem such as a savannah or parkland. However, the PCS pollen includes low taxonomic diversity that is dominated by pine with some hickory and flowering plants, but no grass pollen. It is likely that the pollen assemblage represents a local pine dominated ecosystem associated with the pond paleoenvironment, such as a riparian community, and that the greater landscape was drier and open. An alternative hypothesis is that the climate became wetter and initiated the formation of the pond, and an early succession forest ecosystem developed.

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