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Dr. Mohamed K Zobaa :: Publications:

A Review of the Angiosperm Pollen Genus Cretacaeiporites Herngreen, with one new species from the Upper Cretaceous of Egypt
Authors: Ibrahim, M. I.; Zobaa, M. K.; El–Noamani, Z. M.; Tahoun, S. S.
Year: 2015
Keywords: Cretacaeiporites aegyptiaca; Cretaceous; Bahariya Formation; palynology; taxonomy; angiosperm pollen; Egypt
Journal: Palynology
Volume: Not Available
Issue: Not Available
Pages: Not Available
Publisher: Taylor and Francis
Local/International: International
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An emended diagnosis of the angiosperm pollen genus Cretacaeiporites is proposed to encompass all attributed species. A comprehensive review of all Cretacaeiporites species is also given with the description of C. aegyptiaca sp. nov. from the subsurface mid-Cretaceous (Bahariya Formation) of northwest Egypt. A new combination, C. krutzschi (Boltenhagen) comb. nov., is also proposed. The review includes the original diagnosis of each taxon, holotype line illustrations and remarks on how to differentiate them from each other, in addition to a compilation of their known stratigraphical range and occurrences based on an exhaustive survey of their previous records.

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