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Dr. Mohamed K Zobaa :: Publications:

Depositional paleoenvironment and hydrocarbon source potential of the Oligocene Dabaa Formation, north Western Desert, Egypt: A palynofacies approach
Authors: El Beialy, S. Y.; Zobaa, M. K; Taha, A. A.
Year: 2016
Keywords: palynofacies; paleoenvironment; source rock; Oligocene; Dabaa Formation; Egypt
Journal: Geosphere
Volume: 12
Issue: 1
Pages: 346-353
Publisher: The Geological Society of America
Local/International: International
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A detailed palynofacies study was carried out on 24 shale cutting samples from the Oligocene Dabaa Formation, which was penetrated in the Amana-1X well, Abu El Gharadig Basin, north Western Desert, Egypt. The investigation targeted primarily three main groups of palynological elements: phytoclasts, palynomorphs, and amorphous marine organic matter (AMOM), using transmitted light microscopy. Two major marine palynofacies were recognized: the oldest is palynofacies 1, made up mainly of AMOM (average abundance 47.5%), phytoclasts (31.6%), and palynomorphs (20.9%). A suboxic to anoxic outer shelf to upper slope paleoenvironment is suggested for this palynofacies. Palynofacies 2 is characterized by poorly preserved translucent phytoclasts (average abundance 61.2%) in addition to palynomorphs (24%), AMOM (14.8%), and opaques (

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