Two field experiments were conducted at Moshtohor region, Kalubia Governorate, Egypt, during
2019/20 and 2020/21 seasons, to study the effect of three sowing dates (1st November, 15th November, 1st
December) and three harvesting dates (Harvesting at 150 DAS after sowing , Harvesting at 165 DAS after sowing,
Harvesting at 180 DAS after sowing) on yield and yield components of two barley cultivars (Giza 2000 and Bhoth
244). The experimental design was randomized complete block design using split split-plots arrangement with
three replications. Sowing dates was arranged in the main plots and barley cultivars was arranged at random in
the sub plots, while harvesting dates were arranged randomly by in the sub sub-plots. The main results were as
follows: Sowing at 1st or 15th of November gave the highest values of all studied traits except spike length and
harvest index in first season and plant height in second season. Meanwhile, Bhoth 244 cultivar gave the highest
values of spike length, No. spikelets spike-1
, spike weight, No. grains spike-1
, grain yield fed-1
and straw yield fed1
, whereas Giza 2000 cultivar gave the highest values of plant height, 1000-kernel weight and harvest index in the
first and second seasons. Harvesting at 150 DAS increased significantly spike weight, No. grains spike-1
, 1000-
kernel weight and straw yield fed-1
compared with the other harvesting dates, while spike length, No. spikelets
, grain yield fed-1
and harvest index increased significantly by harvesting at 180 DAS in both seasons. Plant
height, spike weight, No. grains spike-1
, grain yield fed-1
and straw yield fed-1 were affected by the interaction
between sowing dates and barley cultivars in both seasons except plant height in the second season and No. grains
in the first season. Moreover, plant height, spike length, spike weight, No. grains spike-1
, 1000-kernel
weight, grain yield fed-1
, straw yield fed-1
and harvest index were affected by the interaction between sowing dates
and harvesting dates in both seasons except plant height, spike length, straw yield fed-1
and harvest index in the
first season. While, plant height, No. spikelets spike-1
, spike weight, No. grains spike-1
, 1000-kernel weight, grain
yield fed-1
, straw yield fed-1
and harvest index were affected by the interaction between barley cultivars and
harvesting dates in both seasons except plant height, No. spikelets spike-1
, grain yield fed-1
, straw yield fed-1
harvest index in the first season. Regarding the interaction effect, among sowing dates, barley cultivars and
harvesting dates were significant differences of plant height, spike weight, No. grains spike-1
, 1000-kernel weight,
grain yield fed-1
, straw yield fed-1
and harvest index in both seasons except straw yield fed-1
and harvest index in
the first season. It can be concluded that sowing Bhoth 244 cultivar in 1
st or 15th Novem |