total of 125 random samples of fish products were collected after different periods from production,
25 each of vacuum- packed salted Mugil cephalus (Fesiekh) ; plastic jars containing salted Fesiekh;
vacuum-packed cold smoked herring roe; plastic jars containing cold smoked herring fillets and
plastic jars containing salted sardine .These products were produced by a single company where they
were subjected to bacteriological examinations for aerobic plate count ,total Enterobacteriaceae
count, total Staphylococci count, Staphylococcus aureus count and Clostridium perfringens count, as
well as mycological examination for count, isolation and identification of moulds and yeasts. The
results revealed that the plastic jars containing salted Fesiekh showed relatively higher values of
aerobic plate mean count(5.3×105/g) than the other products. While the vacuum-packed cold smoked
herring roe showed relatively the lowest values in Staphylococcus aureus mean count (1.7×102 /g).
Moreover, Clostridium perfringens was absent in all products. Candida albicans was the only yeast
genera isolated from Vacuumed packed feseikh, Feseikh in jars and Salted sardine fillets,But in
vacuum-packed cold smoked herring roe and plastic jars containing cold smoked herring fillets
couldn't isolate any yeast genera. While,the mould count was relatively higher in plastic jars
containing cold smoked herring fillets. The isolated mould genera form these products were A.niger,
A.flavus, Alternaria,Cladosporium ,Pencillum , Fusarium and Mucor species. |