A grand total of one hundred fresh random samples of different edible offal of bovine carcasses
represented by lungs, livers, kidneys and hearts (25 of each) were collected directly after slaughtering
and evisceration from different slaughter houses and street vendors, EL-Gharbia Provience. The
collected samples were subjected to bacteriological examination for detection and identification of
E.coli and Salmonella spp. Isolates of E.coli were serotyped into O55 and O111:H4 serovers, O26 and
O128 serovers , O26 and O119:H6 serovers and O111 :H4 from lung, liver, kidney, heart samples,
respectively. Furthermore, S.entertidis var O:1,4,5,12 ,H: i(1,2) could be isolated from the examined
liver and kidney samples ,S.typhimurium var O:1,9,12, H:g,m(1,7) could be isolated from examined
liver and lung samples ,while, S.virchow var O:6,7,14,H:r (1, 2) could be isolated from the examined
lung samples only. Salmonella failed to be isolated from all the examined samples of heart. The public
health importance of isolated microorganisms and the possible sources of contamination of edible
bovine offal with these organisms as well as suggestive hygienic measures to improve the quality of
offal were discussed. |