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Assist. Ahmed Mohamed Alhussaini Ali Abdel Rahman Hamad :: Publications:

3d printing in food sector: A Comprehensive Guide to the Future of food manufacturing
Authors: Ahmed Hamad
Year: 2023
Keywords: Not Available
Journal: Lulu press
Volume: Not Available
Issue: Not Available
Pages: 65
Publisher: Lulu Press
Local/International: International
Paper Link:
Full paper Not Available
Supplementary materials Not Available

"3D Printing in Food Sector: A Comprehensive Guide to the Future of Food Manufacturing" is a groundbreaking book that delves into the rapidly developing field of 3D food printing. This book, authored by one distinguished researcher, offers an in-depth exploration of the technology, its applications, and its potential impact on the food industry. Key aspects of the book include: - Examination of Food Printability: The author discusses the foundation of 3D food printing, focusing on the concept of "food printability" and the factors that affect it. - Multidisciplinary Coverage: The book provides a comprehensive overview of the technical notes, research designs, literature, and 3DP (three-dimensional printing) technology applications for effective food printing. - Industry Trends and Consumer Preferences: The book tackles food industry market trends, consumer preferences, the globalization of printed foods, and consumer perception of 3D printed foods. - Integration of Electrohydrodynamic Processes: The authors explore the combination of 3D food printing with electrohydrodynamic processes, which gives rise to a range of synergistic applications. - 4D Printing Technology: The book also delves into the potential of 4D printing technology and its applications in the food industry. This book is an essential resource for 3D printing professionals, enthusiasts, food scientists, researchers, and industry stakeholders interested in the future of food manufacturing and the integration of 3D printing technology in the food sector.

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