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Prof. Ashraf Mahdy Abd El-Hameid Sharoba :: Publications:

Effect of some pre-treatments on acrylamide concentration in potato chips
Authors: Khalaf H.H.A., Sharoba A.M., El-Desouky A.I., El-Bassiony K.R.A., Afifi S.A.M.
Year: 2015
Keywords: Acrylamide, aspragine, reducing sugar, potato chips, frying, palm oil, soaking, Cacl2, citric acid
Journal: Annals of Agric. Sci., Moshtohor
Volume: 53
Issue: 2
Pages: 211–220
Publisher: Not Available
Local/International: International
Paper Link:
Full paper Ashraf Mahdy Abd El-Hameid Sharoba_Khaled El-Bassiony full paper 211-220.pdf
Supplementary materials Not Available

This work was done to investigate the effect of some pretreatments, soaking in (0.5, 1, 1.5 and 2 %) calcium chloride (CaCl2) and Citric acid (for different times of soaking 30 and 60 min.) on acrylamide formation in potato chips. The pretreated potatoes slices 0.2 mm were fried at the temperature degree (185 ± 5 oC for 6-7 min) on an electrical fryer using palm oil. Generally, the untreated potato chips had higher acrylamide content than the soaked potato chips. The highest level of acrylamide was found in samples contained the highest reducing sugars; followed by those contained the moderate level of reducing sugars and the highest level of asparagine. While, the lowest level of acrylamide content was detected in samples contained the moderate level of reducing sugars and the lowest content of asparagine. Which maintain that reducing sugars and asparagine contents of samples before frying played an important role in acrylamide formation. Sensory characteristics could not be used as an indicator for acrylamide content, related to those potato chips with similar sensory characteristics had different acrylamide concentrations. The results of the present study suggest that acrylamide formation depended strongly on frying conditions (especially reusing of oil) and chemical composition of samples (especially reducing sugars and asparagine content). In the end, from those results using soaking in calcium chloride 2% and citric acid 1% for 60 min can reduce the formation of acrylamide.

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