You are in:Home/Publications/Quality parameters and oxidative stability of functional beef burgers fortified with microencapsulated cod liver oil

Prof. Mohamed Khairy El-Sayed Abd El-Hafez Morsy :: Publications:

Quality parameters and oxidative stability of functional beef burgers fortified with microencapsulated cod liver oil
Authors: Mohamed K. Morsy & Rasha Elsabagh
Year: 2021
Keywords: Cod liver oil Microencapsulation Functional food Beef burgers Quality parameters
Journal: LWT - Food Science and Technology
Volume: 142
Issue: Not Available
Pages: 1-10
Publisher: Elsevier
Local/International: International
Paper Link:
Full paper Mohamed Khairy El-Sayed Abd El-Hafez Morsy_1- LWT- cod liver oil microcapsules 2021- Q1- 6.05.pdf
Supplementary materials Not Available

Cod liver oil (CLO) has many health and dietary benefits, but is prone to rapid deterioration and developing undesirable odor. The aim of the research was to evaluate a functional beef burger fortified with CLO monolayered (ME) and bilayered (BE). CLO microcapsules were characterized for morphology (scanning electron microscopy), particle size distribution (light refractometer), thermal stability (differential scanning calorimeter), and encapsulation efficiency (in vitro release). Oxidative stability of the fortified burgers including pH, TBARS, and peroxide value (PV) during storage (4 ± 1 ◦C up to 15 days) was evaluated. The CLO microcapsules have highly uniform, droplet size was 874 nm, and accumulative release was 79.35% in 270 min in stimulated gastrointestinal. Also, found that CLO microcapsules were stable at different pH, cooking temperature, and storage at 4 ± 1 ◦C up to 15 days. Significant decrease in pH, TBARS, and PV in a fortified burger with microcapsules compared with unencapsulated and/or control samples. CLO-microcapsules enhanced sensory attributes of beef burger during storage and even after cooking, while burger with CLO-direct addition was rejected. Results demonstrated that CLO microcapsules as vehicles were stable at cooking temperature, keeping oil from oxidation, and improving the sensory attributes of burgers.

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