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Prof. Mona Salem Mahmoud Zaazaa :: Workshops / Conferences:

Workshop / Conference Year
Passion for the profession 2017
معايير الدراسات العليا لقطاع كليات التربية - قسم المناهج وطرق التدريس بكلية التربية - جامعة بنها 2016
سبرنجبورد: تمكين المرأة خبرات متبادلة المجلس الثقافي البريطاني 2016
• NileTesol and AUC conference XVIII, “Navigating a Way Forward: Innovating and E-novating in TESOL”, 28-29, Jan. 2014
The 6th conference for Banha Faculty of Education “Education and horizons of what’s after the Arab Spring”, 102 July 2013
• The annual 9th scientific day at Deanship of Scientific Research, King Khaled University 2012
the First International Conference on E-Learning in the Arab World: Challenges and Perspectives for Development, The Egyptian E-Learning University, Cairo 9-11 July 2012
the First International Conference on E-Learning in the Arab World: Challenges and Perspectives for Development, The Egyptian E-Learning University, Cairo 9-11 July 2010
• The 21st conference of the Egyptian Society of Curriculum and Methodology “Developing curricula between originality and novelty” Ein Shams Guest House, 28-29 July 2009
The 20th conference of the Egyptian Society of Curriculum and Methodology “Curricula and cultural identity” Ein Shams Guest House, 30-31 July 2008
• The 19th conference of the Egyptian Society of Curriculum and Methodology “Developing curricula in the light of standards” Ein Shams Guest House, 25-26 July 2007
The Egyptian Society for Curricula and Instruction 18th conference, Cairo- Ain Shams 2006
• The 17th conference of the Egyptian Society of Curriculum and Methodology, Ein Shams Guest House 2005
Pre-convention Institute, Egyptesol, Sheraton Hotel, Giza 2004
CDELT Symposium 2004
• The AUC conference 2004
Cairo conference for Returned Participants 2003
Kalubia 1st Symposium, Hassan Abo Bakr Experimental School, Alkanater 2003
Egyptesol Conference 2003
• The 15th conference of the Egyptian Society of Curriculum and Methodology “Curricula and the contemporary life” Ein Shams Guest House 2003
Cairo conference for Returned Participants 2003
• The 14th conference of the Egyptian Society of Curriculum and Methodology “Curricula in the light of the concept of performance” Ein Shams Guest House 2002
The CDELT Symposium 2002
Cairo conference for Returned Participants 2002
The ESP Conference, Alexandria 2001
• The 13th conference of the Egyptian Society of Curriculum and Methodology “Curricula and the contemporary knowledge and technological revolution” Ein Shams Guest House 2001
• Egyptesol Convention: Best Practices in EFL 1999
Cairo conference for Returned Participants 1997
Cairo conference for Returned Participants 1995
2nd Cairo Conference for Returned Participants 1995
Cairo conference for Returned Participants 1994
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