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Dr. Hassan Ahmed Barakat Mohamed :: Workshops / Conferences:

Workshop / Conference Year
Participating the "The first Forum for the awareness of food and consumer protection". May 16th 2013, Food science dept., Faculty of Agric., Ain Shams University. 2013
Participated the 2nd international conference and exhibition for cereals industries and its products. May 13th ‐15th 2013. In conference Azthar center, Nasr city, Egypt. 2013
Participating the Symposium "food safety in Egypt: between current status and future view". May 8th 2013, Bibliotheca Alexandrina, Egypt. 2013
Participating the “Training course on Nanoscience and nanomateriales ” , April th 16 ‐18th the advanced faculty for postgraduate, Bani sowif university. 2013
Participated the 10th China international scientific instrument and laboratory equipment exhibition, held in Beijing, 15-17 May, 2012. 2012
Participated the 2012 international forum on food safety, organized by international union of food science and technology (IUFoST) and Chinese institute of food science and technology (CIFST), held in Beijing, 18-20 April, 2012. 2012
Participated the “Training course on food safety inspection technology for developing countries” , 28th March -22nd May 2012, Beijing, China. 2012
International publishing workshop, DAAD 7 February 2012. 2012
First international conference on Biotechnology applications in Agriculture, 18-22th February, 2012, Moshtohor and Hurghada, Egypt. 2012
Participating the International DAAD-Alumni Summer School “Agricultural Technology and Engineering” 6-18th November, 2011, Witzenhausen, Kassel, Hannover, Germany. 2011
Participating the especial workshop on “the revolution of Nano-technology” . Held by Egyptian National Commission for UNESCO, cairo 27-29, November, 2011. 2011
Training course in “international training course in preparation and examination of specimens using scanning electron microscope”. 17-24 July, 2011. Central lab. Ain Shams University, Egypt. 2011
Especial course in the statistical analysis using SPSS. Central unit of IT training, Benha University 2010
The Expert Seminar on Quality Assurance in Poultry Meat, December 5- 6, Ismailia, Egypt 2010
TWAS ARO Annual Meeting "Linking Research Institutions, Universities, and Industry in the Arab World" December, 22-23, Alexandira, Egypt 2010
The 2nd Arabian European FoodTec days “Advances in Meat and FishTechnology”. December 7- 8, Ismailia, Egypt. 2010
Mycotoxicological risks in Mediterranean countries: economic impact, prevention, management and control, MycoRed international Workshop. October 25-27, The National Research Center,Cairo, Egypt. 2010
9th symposium "Molecular Biology of Fungi", September, 27–30, Munester, Germany. 2009
38th Deutscher Lebensmittelchemikertag,September, 14–16, Berlin, Germany. 2009
The 32nd European Brewery Convention (EBC) congress,May, 10-14, Humburg, Germany. 2009
Vereinigung für Allgemeine und Angewandte Mikrobiologie (VAAM),March, 8-11 , Bochum, Germany. 2009
37th International malting barley seminar. 13-14 October, Berlin, Germany. 2008
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