Learners’ beliefs are an essential area of the affective domain that has long been neglected. They play a major role in motivating and self-regulation of cognitive performance and learning. This study aimed at finding out the relationship between writing self-efficacy beliefs and the writing performance of EFL majors at the faculty of education. A Writing Self-efficacy Scale that included 47 items divided into six dimensions (general self-efficacy, general progress, specific progress, observational comparison, social feedback and psychological state) was developed by the researcher. the scale was administered to a sample of 420 students at Alexandrai, Elmansoura, Shebein Elkoum, Zagazig, Banha, Ein Shams and Elminya University for validation. A rubric for holistic scoring of the writing performance was also developed by the researcher. The tools of the study were administered to a sample of 50 third year EFL majors at Banha Faculty of Education. The results of the study showed that there were significant positive correlations at 0,05 level of significance between all dimensions of writing self-efficacy beliefs and the writing performance of the participants.
Benha Faculty of Education Journal, 2002, 12(50), 62-91.