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Innovation and Entrepreneurship” has become a key driver of equitable economic growth,
and has immense potential as a generator of employment opportunities.
developing culture and skills of entrepreneurial thinking within the communities in which
we live and work has become a focus for governments and societies worldwide.
One of the main mandates of Technology Innovation and Entrepreneurship Center (TIEC) is
to promote innovation and entrepreneurship in the ICT sector in Egypt.
Among many
strategic initiatives that have been developed to contribute to this promotion come the
capacity building programs.
Capacity building programs are directed to university students
to provide the necessary education and training in the area of innovation and
entrepreneurship that the current education system lacks.
Experts reported that
entrepreneurship education and training1 in Egypt is poor or inadequate, and according to
GEM2 2012, the entrepreneurship education at university level in Egypt valued negative.
The studies also show that the proportion of individuals who received any training in
starting a business either in or after school, was 8% in Egypt, compared to innovation driven
economies such as Finland that reported 48 % in the same year.
Building on global studies’ recommendations to embed entrepreneurship education early
at university stage, while expanding the government support for innovation and
entrepreneurship, TIEC has taken the initiative to launch an ambitious program under the
name of “InnovEgypt” with the aim of providing widespread education and training in the
area of innovation, and entrepreneurship. This would enable students to acquire
innovation and entrepreneurship skills that they can use to start innovative businesses and
that are imperative to bridge the supply‐demand gap for qualified graduates.
Source: - CIO
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