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University Council


Prof. Dr. Nasser El-Gizawy

President of the University

Vice-presidents of Benha University

Prof. Dr. Tamer Samir

Vice-president for Education and Student Affairs

Prof. Dr. El-Sayed Fouda

Vice-president for Community Service and Environment Development

Prof. Dr. Gehan Abdelhady

Vice-president for Postgraduate Studies and Researches

Experienced members

Eng. Ayman Attia

Qualubia Governor

Eng. Hani Dahi

Former Minister of Transport and Captain of Engineers

Prof. Dr. Sobhy Ghoneim

The former president of EL-Monifya University

Eng. Ibrahim EL-Araby

The head of the federation of the Egyptian chambers of commerce



Mrs. Shereen Shawky

University Secretary-General

The council secretariat

Mr. Wael Foaud Kamel

The head of the council secretariat

Council of the League Decisions

Contact the Secretariat of Council:

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