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Historical brief about Benha University


Faculty of Agriculture at Benha University was established in 1911, where Mashtohar, one of the villages of the Qalubia governorate, was chosen to be the headquarters of an intermediate agricultural school. Then this School was transformed in 1942 to be a branch of the Faculty of Agriculture, Cairo University. In 1975, the Higher Agricultural Institute in Mosthour was transformed into the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences in Mosthour, affiliated with Helwan University. In 1976, the Faculty was annexed to Zagazig University, Benha Branch


In October 1961, the first structure of Faculty of Arts was established in Shubra, which was represented by an Engineering division at the Higher Technical Institute in Cairo, which was affiliated with Higher Education Ministry. The Faculty included three divisions as following; the Engineering Division, the Agricultural Division, and the Commercial Division. The Engineering Division grants a bachelor's degree in engineering after five years of study in English. In 1975, the Engineering Division of the Higher Technical Institute was merged into the Faculty of Technology in Matareya, Helwan University. Then the Higher Technical Institute in Shubra was annexed to Ain Shams University under the name of the Faculty of Engineering in Shubra in April 1976. In October of the same year, a presidential decree was issued to annex the Faculty of Engineering in Shubra to Zagazig University, Benha Branch until Benha University separated in 2005 .Then Faculty of Engineering in Shubra became one of its faculties


The Presidential Decree No. (1143) was issued in 25\11\1976 to establish a branch of Zagazig University in Benha, which includes the following faculties:

  • Faculty of Agriculture
  • Faculty of Engineering in Shubra
  • Faculty of Commerce
  • Faculty of Medicine
  • Faculty of Education

The Ministerial Resolution No. (278) of 1981 was issued in 1981 to establish the following faculties:

  • Faculty of Arts
  • Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
  • Faculty of Science

Ministerial Resolution No. (334) was issued on April 23, 1988 to establish the Higher Institute of Technology in Benha. The Study at the Institute began on October 8, 1988, and the President of the Republic kindly opened the Institute on November 19, 1988.In 2006, the Presidential Decree No. (83) was issued to annex the Higher Institute of Technology to Benha University.In 2011, Resolution No. 16 of the President of the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces was issued to amend some provisions of the executive regulations of the Universities Organization Law that included replacing the name of the Higher Institute of Technology in Benha with the name of Faculty of Engineering in Benha, and it was published in the Official Gazette on March 16, 2011.The Faculty began to graduate its students who obtained a Bachelor of Credit Law in the academic year 1992-1993.


The Republican Decree No. (287 of 1994) was issued to establish the Faculty of Law at Banha Branch as an independent entity from the Faculty of Law in Zagazig.The Study at the Faculty had begun before that,it started in the academic year 1991 as a branch of Zagaig University and accepted students at the first and second years.


Based on Ministerial Resolution No. (150) that dated in 2/19/1990, the list of Specific Education Faculties was issued, and by Ministerial Resolution No. (884) that dated in 8/11/1990, the Faculty of Specific Education was established in Qalyubia Governorate in the Teachers' House building in Banha, with study duration for four years and it ends with obtaining a bachelor's degree in one of the Faculty's specializations. The first batch at all division was graduated in 1993/1994. The Faculty was annexed to Zagazig University, Benha branch, in 1998, and after separating Benha University from Zagazig University in August 2005, Faculty of Specific Education affiliated with Benha University.


The Higher Institute of Nursing in Benha was established by Ministerial Resolution No. (301) 1992, after which it became Faculty of Nursing in 1996


The history of Physical Education Faculty in Benha dates back to the year 1996, when a decision was issued to establish the Faculty of Physical Education, Zagazig University, Banha Branch, by Ministerial Resolution No. 1499, dated in 9/24/1996.The Faculty of Physical Education, Zagazig University, Banha Branch, was established in 1996 with study durationfor four years, after which the graduate obtains a Bachelor's degree in Physical Education.The study began in 1997 and the first batch of the Faculty graduated in 2000/2001. The Faculty was affiliated to Zagazig University until 2005, when a decision was issued by the President of the Republic to separate Benha University from Zagazig University, and from that date it became the Faculty of Physical Education, Benha University


On March 7, 2005, the Republican Initiative No. (84) of 2005 was issued which related to Benha University activities, whereby the Zagazig University branch in Benha was separated from Zagazig University and Benha University became independent after it had been its branch.


In 2006, Faculty of Personal Computers was established by Presidential Decree No. 267 that dated in July 20, 2006. In 2009, The name of Faculty of Computers was changed to “Computers and Artificial Intelligence” after establishing a department for artificial intelligence at the Faculty.


The Faculty of Applied Arts at Benha University is the newest among the University's faculties, while it is considered the third among faculties of applied arts at the republic level.The Faculty was established by Military Resolution No. (104) 6/2/2011 for the academic year 2011 .The Faculty is distinguished by its geographical location, where the industrial zone in Quesna is located, as well as the factories area in Shubra Al-Kheima, as well as Obour Industrial Zone and many industrial and commercial companies with activity related to the Faculty of Applied Arts in Benha.


On November 22, 2018, Cabinet Resolution No. (2483) was issued regarding the establishment of Faculty Physical Therapy,Benha University. The Study acceptance of students began in 2020.


In 2019, Benha University headquarters in Obour was established. The Obour campus began receiving students in the academic year 2019/2020 in three study programs from different Faculties which are as following; (English Law - English Commerce - Agriculture and Biotechnology).In 2020-2021 , the programs has been expanded to include Faculty of Science represented in the follwong programs ; Microbiology and Biochemistry - Nano Materials Science and its Applications. The academic programs had been increased again in 2021-2022 to increase umber of students and introduce more special programs which included the following ; (Computing and Bioinformatics) program from the Faculty of Science and three other programs from the Faculty of Engineering, which are Electrical and Control Engineering program , Communications and Computer Engineering Program and Energy and Sustainable Energy Engineering Program


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