Views: 482
Last visit: 2024-09-20 18:03:49
- What does it offer?
Excellence in teaching and research in the field of European Union studies worldwide
- Who can apply to manage a grant?
Depending on the activity, higher education institutions or other organisations active in the European integration area, or in the field of European integration studies, association of professors and researchers specialising in European Union Studies, established in any country of the world
- Where to apply
To the EACEA in Brussels:
- Call for Proposals
Opens: October 2017
Closes: 22 February 2018 at 1.2:00 Brussels time (for projects starting on 1 September 2018)
Budget: Around € 12 million + plus € 3 million for certain Partner Countries
- Who else can participate in the project?
Depending on the activity, HErs or other organisations active in the field of European integration or European integration studies, or association of professors and researchers specialising in European Union Studies, established in any country of the world.
- Registration:
Source: - CIO Office
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