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Final List of Candidates for Faculty of Arts Deanship

Sunday 27 Aug. 2022 - 11:59:54
Final List of Candidates for Faculty of Arts Deanship

The Leadership Selection Committee under presidency of Dr.Gamal Sosa, Benha University President has held its interviews today to select the Faculty of Arts dean.
The Selection committee included the following memebrs;
Prof.Dr.Mohamed Ahmed El Amrosy
Prof.Dr. Abd E Qader El Bahrawy
Prof.Dr.Seham Abd El Raziq Nasar
Prof.Dr.Gamal Sosa and other members of the committee listened to the proposals and ideas of applicants, their way to manage the sectors they applied for, their vision for development, the speed of work completion, the ability to make decisions and solve problems.For his part, Dr.Gamal Sosa confirmed that selecting faculties' deans at the University is according to the specified criteria and with complete impartiality.

Source: Sector of University President

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