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BU council honors the team of E-fingerprint system in the University and the faculties

Wednesday 22 Jun. 2023 - 01:21:25
BU council honors the team of E-fingerprint system in the University and the faculties

BU council, in its meeting under the presidency of Prof.Dr. Gamal Sosa, the BU president honors of the team of E-Fingerprint system in the University and the faculties who works under the presidency of Mr. Rafaat Nan, the assistant secretary-general of administrative affairs.
This is occurred in the presence of Prof.Dr. Nasser EL-Gizaway, the vice president of post-graduate studies and scientific research, Prof.Dr. Tamer Samir, the vice president of educational and students affairs, Prof.Dr. EL-Sayed Fouda, the vice president of community service and environment development, Ms. Shreen Shawkay, the university- secretary-general , the faculties' deans, the council members and the assistant secretary-generals.

Source: قطاع رئيس الجامعة

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