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Benha University launches the Best Websites Competition for the University's Faculties

Sunday 18 Aug. 2024 - 10:05:34
Benha University launches the Best Websites Competition for the University's Faculties

Prof. Dr. Nasser El Gizawy, Benha University President, announced the launch of the Best Websites Competition for Benha University Faculties', within the framework of maintaining the continuity of data modernity, credibility, and ensuring its accuracy.
El Gizawy added that such competitions aim to create a spirit of competition between faculties to raise the level of faculties' websites. El Gizawy also mentioned that by following millions of open accounts on Facebook, it has become easy to create fake accounts, and sometimes they work to spread unconfirmed news, so it is necessary to publish the news on the Faculty's official social media sites, and that is going to help Benha University members, students, faculty members and workers to follow the news from a reliable source. For his part, Dr. Shady Al-Mashhad, Executive Director of Information, indicated that the competition criteria include the following:
• Number of news on the Faculty's website
• Percentage of completion of the Faculty's leadership data
• Percentage of completion of the Faculty's data
• Number of news on the social networking site "Facebook".
Noting that the evaluation is conducted in October and April of each year. The competition criteria can be found through the following link:

Source: Sector of University President

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