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Benha University's council approves on the research plan of the University

Benha University's council approves on the research plan of the University

  • 27 Dec. 2017

Benha University's council, in its meeting yesterday under the presidency of prof.Dr. EL-Sayed EL-Kady, the University president approved on the research plans 2017-2022 which was proposed by prof.Dr. Maher Hasb EL-Naby, the University president's chancellor of scientific research. The event was attended by the faculties' deans, the deputies, the departments' heads and the faculties' members.


A forum about the healthcare insurance law to be held in Benha University

A forum about the healthcare insurance law to be held in Benha University

  • 27 Dec. 2017

Benha University organizes in cooperation with the ministry of health a forum about the healthcare insurance law that has been endorsed by the people's assembly lately. This statement is uttered by prof.Dr. EL-Sayed EL-Kady, the university president during the university's council.


Launching an anti-terrorism document in Benha University

Launching an anti-terrorism document in Benha University

  • 27 Dec. 2017

The University's council approved, in its meeting yesterday, under the presidency of Prof.Dr. EL-Sayed EL-Kady, the University president to launch an anti-terrorism document in Benha University to resume the initiative of Benha University which holds the forum of fighting terrorism.


Establishing an anti-harassment Unit in Benha University

Establishing an anti-harassment Unit in Benha University

  • 27 Dec. 2017

The University's council approved, in its meeting yesterday, under the presidency of Prof.Dr. EL-Sayed EL-Kady, the University president on the suggestion to establish an anti-harassment Unit in Benha University and the violence against women. The unit is presided by prof.Dr. Soliman Mustafa, the former vice president and the rapporteur of the unit, prof.Dr. EL-Sayed Fouda, the dean of the faculty of law, prof.Dr. Eman Abd EL-Haq, the deputy of the faculty of education and prof.Dr. Eman El-Bitar, the deputy of the faculty of medicine and prof.Dr. Eman Hanem, the faculty of engineering and Miss, fatten Kharboosh, the general assistant secretary of community service.


A big demand from the inhabitant of Kafr-Batta to the Benha University comprehensive convoy

A big demand from the inhabitant of Kafr-Batta to the Benha University comprehensive convoy

  • 27 Dec. 2017

Benha University comprehensive convoy has finished its activities under the auspices of Prof.Dr. EL-Sayed EL-Kady, the University president and prof.Dr. Gamal Ismail, the vice president of the community service and environment development in Kafr-Batta. There are five faculties who participate in the comprehensive convoy, such as the faculty of medicine, the faculty of veterinary medicine, the faculty of education, the faculty of nursing and the faculty of specific education.


Treating 2100 patients in Kafr-Batta in Benha University comprehensive convoy

Treating 2100 patients in Kafr-Batta in Benha University comprehensive convoy

  • 27 Dec. 2017

Benha university comprehensive convoy has finished its activities which is conducted the sector of the community service and environment development by treating 2100 patients in Kafr-Batta. It is Important to say that there are five faculties who participate in the comprehensive convoy under the presidency of prof.Dr. Gamal Ismail, the vice president of the community service and environment development. This convoy is held regularly in the frame of the University's role to the serve the community.


The University's council approves to establishes young leaders center

The University's council approves to establishes young leaders center

  • 27 Dec. 2017

The University's council approved, in its meeting yesterday, under the presidency of Prof.Dr. EL-Sayed EL-Kady, the University president on the suggestion to change the name of the youth development center to young leader's center. The council heard to the vision of prof.Dr. Atef EL-Nemr, the general supervisor of the center who stresses on the importance of the center in enabling the youth culturally and socially by implementing many programs made by the experts.


EL-kady thanks the students for the success of the students' elections

EL-kady thanks the students for the success of the students' elections

  • 27 Dec. 2017

Prof.Dr. EL-Sayed EL-Kady, the University president, in the beginning of the University's council yesterday noon, congratulates the students on the success of the students' elections. The students set a perfect example of democratic practices in the elections that have been conducted neutrally and perfectly. El-kady congratulates the student/ Khalid Ali, the student/ Ahmed Islam and prof.Dr. Khalid Esawi, the coordinator of the students' activities.


El-kady hosts the delegation of the capital Chinese University and stresses on the importance of cooperation between Benha University and Chinese Universities

El-kady hosts the delegation of the capital Chinese University and stresses on the importance of cooperation between Benha University and Chinese Universities

  • 25 Dec. 2017

Prof.Dr. EL-Sayed EL-Kady, the University president hosts prof.Dr. Wang Chuwanig, the vice president of the capital Chinese University for economy and trade and the Chinese delegation in the presence of prof.Dr. Gamal Ismail and prof.Dr. Hesham Abu EL-Enin. El-kady stresses that the Sino-Egyptian relationships are very deep and strong in addition to stating that there are possible ways of cooperation between Benha University and several Chinese Universities including the capital Chinese University for economy and trade.


Benha University establishes websites for the governmental schools

Benha University establishes websites for the governmental schools

  • 25 Dec. 2017

In the frame of the protocol between Benha University and directorate of the education under the auspices of prof.Dr. EL-Sayed EL-Kady, the University president and Mr. Taha Aglan, the deputy of the ministry, Benha University establishes 80 websites for the governmental schools. Prof.Dr. Ghazi Assasa, the IT advisor coordinates with prof.Dr.Radwan Abu EL-Abbas, Miss Fawyzia Ismail, and Miss Hala Hossam to hold a workshop on Thursday 21-12-2017.


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