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Updating the Evaluation Criteria of the Faculties' Members for the Best Website Contest

Updating the Evaluation Criteria of the Faculties' Members for the Best Website Contest

  • 21 Dec. 2016

Benha University is currently updating and revising the evaluation criteria of the faculties' members and new criteria will be declared as soon as possible. The faculties members are obliged to keep in touch with the IT portal team in the university and the new contest will be announced soon according to these criteria and the winners will be awarded in a special ceremony.


The University President is in the Chinese Forest University

The University President is in the Chinese Forest University

  • 20 Dec. 2016

Prof.Dr. El-Sayed El-Kady, the university president and the accompanying delegation visit the Chinese forest university, its research center and patent exhibition, the products of these inventions in addition to having a look on the diagrams and statistics of annual productions. This exhibition includes documented pictures of the most important researchers and the patents they have. The Egyptian delegation meets with the head of the research center in the Chinese forest university who talked about the history of the center and its units. Prof.Dr. El-Sayed El-Kady, the university president says that there will be a center of scientific excellence and inventions in El-Obour city stressing that the Benha University welcomes the international cooperation in this field as the university wants to send the under-graduate stduents to be trained at the research center in China. The university also wants to let the MA and PhD researchers do their scientific researches in the center.


Signing a Cooperation Protocol between Benha University and Wuhan University

Signing a Cooperation Protocol between Benha University and Wuhan University

  • 20 Dec. 2016

Prof.Dr. El-Sayed El-Kady, the university president and the accompanying delegation sign a cooperation protocol with Wuhan University in presence of prof.Dr. Muhammad Abu Salim, the dean of the faculty of veterinary medicine, prof.Dr. Mahmoud Magraby, the dean of the faculty of agriculture, prof.Dr. Tamer Samir, the acting dean of the faculty of applied arts and prof.Dr. Osama Ezat, the former deputy of the faculty of faculty of engineering at Shubra. The university president says that the cooperation protocol allows Benha University to get three or five MA and PhD scholarships specialized in remote sensing, IT, students and faculty's members exchange and he stresses that the fields of researches are determined according to what has been agreed upon between both universities and the cooperation protocol is also about enhancing the cooperation between the both universities in engineering, scientific research, scholarships, students training and the other research projects.


The University President discusses the Cooperation with the Chinese Forest University

The University President discusses the Cooperation with the Chinese Forest University

  • 20 Dec. 2016

Prof.Dr. El-Sayed El-Kady, the university president and the accompanying delegation discuss the cooperation with the agricultural university in China. The university president says that the meeting is about putting the cooperation protocol into effect and enhances the cooperation between both universities in the different scientific and research fields. The university president asserts that the second international conference of the mutual cooperation in the agriculture, engineering, science and medicine will be held next October in addition to giving the armor of Benha University to the agricultural university president.


Benha University hosts the Dean of the Faculty of Arabic Language in Beijing International Studies University- China

Benha University hosts the Dean of the Faculty of Arabic Language in Beijing International Studies University- China

  • 20 Dec. 2016

AS per the memorandum of understanding between Beijing International Studies University and Benha university in the last September, Prof.Dr. Xiao Ling, the dean of the faculty of Arabic language in Beijing International Studies University visits Benha University, Suez Canal University and El-Nahada University to send the students of her university to the center of teaching Arabic language to non-natives in January, 2017.


Launching the Fifth Round to fund the Research Projects of the Young Researchers in Benha University

Launching the Fifth Round to fund the Research Projects of the Young Researchers in Benha University

  • 20 Dec. 2016

Prof.Dr. Hesham Abu El-Enin, the vice president of post-graduate studies and research states that it has been approved, in the university council in 29-11-2016 headed by prof.Dr. El-Sayed El-Kady, the university president, to fund the research projects of the young researchers in Benha University. He adds that the fund will be increased to the amount of 200,000 L.E for the single research and there will at least 10 competitively- selected research projects that will be funded. Prof.Dr. Maher Hasb-EL- Nabi, the university president's chancellor of scientific research says that funding the research projects aims at developing the research capabilities in scientific research. For those interested in applying to research projects funding, they have to sign up in the scientific research application that will be created by the IT Portal team in January, 2017 for 30 days.


The End of the Grievances Period of the International Publishing Contest, July 2017

The End of the Grievances Period of the International Publishing Contest, July 2017

  • 20 Dec. 2016

Prof.Dr. Hesham Abu El-Enin, the vice president of post-graduate studies and research states that the supreme committee, under the auspices of prof.Dr. El-Sayed El-Kady, the university president, endorses the international ranking of the universities and the final result of the international publishing contest after the end of the Grievances period.


A Professor from Rome University visit the University to increase the Mutual Researches in the Field of Geology of Mining

A Professor from Rome University visit the University to increase the Mutual Researches in the Field of Geology of Mining

  • 19 Dec. 2016

Prof.Dr. Hesham Abu El-Enin, the vice president of post-graduate studies and research hosts prof.Dr. Dario Dilafollow, the professor at the University of Rome in Italy in the frame of mutual cooperation, visits and stduents exchange to study the characteristics of rocks that are used in the ancient pharaonic or byzantine civilizations. The vice president states that the university seeks to get the European fund by presenting research projects in the field of Geology and applied arts. Prof. Dilafollow visits the faculty of science to deliver a lecture for the students of the Geology department.


The university president meets the Egyptian Scholars in China

The university president meets the Egyptian Scholars in China

  • 18 Dec. 2016

Prof.Dr. El-Sayed El-Kady, the university president meets the Egyptian scholars in China to discuss many issues in the presence of prof.Dr. Muhammad Abu Salim, the dean of veterinary medicine faculty, prof.Dr. Mahmoud Magraby, the dean of the faculty of agriculture, and prof.Dr. Hazem Eliwa, the member of the international relationships office of Benha University in China. At the beginning of the meeting, all scholars salute the university president and accompanying delegation thanking them for this meeting despite the activities which they attend during the course of the day.


 The university president meets the Arabic- interested Chinese Students

The university president meets the Arabic- interested Chinese Students

  • 15 Dec. 2016

During his visit to many Chinese Universities, prof.Dr. El-Sayed El-Kady, the university president meets the Chinese students who want to study Arabic language in Benha university to discuss the university's care with foreign students and get to know the student life at the university's campus. The university president assures the Chinese students, stresses that the president of Egypt pays a great attention to cement the relationships with China and Asia- Eastern countries and promises them to ease the difficulties that may co


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