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«Our Aim is to boost the Student Confidence» says the University president to the Student Activities Officials

«Our Aim is to boost the Student Confidence» says the University president to the Student Activities Officials

  • 28 Nov. 2016

In his meeting with the student activities officials and prof. Dr. Khalid Esawi, the general supervisor of the student activities in the university on Sunday, 28-11-2016, Prof. Dr. El-Sayed EL-Kady, the university president stresses that the university leaders seek that students should participate in the different student activities in order to buff the character of Benha university's students, participate in developing his society, have many skills to help him face the requirements of life. The university president asserts that students should feel that they own the different facilities of the university in order to protect them. Finally, the university president indicates that the university wants to boost the student's confidence, get them away of the distracting environments where depression and indifference exist by increasing the student activities in all faculties.


 Egyptian Knowledge Bank's workshop to be held in the Faculty of Nursing

Egyptian Knowledge Bank's workshop to be held in the Faculty of Nursing

  • 28 Nov. 2016

Prof.Dr. El-Sayed EL-Kady, the university president says that the students' activities should be activated to succeed. The university president's statement concurs with a workshop that let the researchers get to know the services of the Egyptian knowledge bank. This workshop was held in the faculty of nursing in the presence of prof.Dr Howayda Sadik, the faculty's dean. The university president goes on saying that the quality management system requires consistent development of the educational process to graduate efficient students who can participate in developing their own country.


New programs of English language to meet the Demands of the Marketplace to be held at the faculty of Education

New programs of English language to meet the Demands of the Marketplace to be held at the faculty of Education

  • 28 Nov. 2016

Prof.Dr. El-Sayed EL-Kady, the university president launches new programs to prepare the teachers of Math and science and the primary school teachers to master English language. The university president says that, while inaugurating new halls at the faculty, the curriculums should be developed, teachers should be prepared well to meet the demands of the marketplace; these teachers should master English language and computers skills to be able to communicate with the world. These statements concur with the university president's inauguration of the new halls in the presence of prof.Dr. Gamal Ismail, the vice president of community service and environment development, prof.Dr. Hesham Abu El-Enin, the vice president of post-graduate studies and research and prof.Dr. Ibrahim Fouda, the faculty's dean and the deans of the other faculties.


«Draw a Smile» exhibition to be held in the faculty of Education

«Draw a Smile» exhibition to be held in the faculty of Education

  • 27 Nov. 2016

In order to draw a smile on the students' faces in the faculty of education, Prof.Dr. El-Sayed EL-Kady, the university president inaugurates, on Sunday, 27-11-2016, “Draw a smile” exhibition to provide students with clothes. The exhibition was inaugurated in the presence of prof.Dr. Gamal Ismail, the vice president of community service and environment development, prof.Dr. Hesham Abu El-Enin, the vice president of post-graduate studies and research and prof.Dr. Ibrahim Fouda, the faculty's dean. Prof.Dr. Eman Abd EL-Haq, the faculty's deputy of community service and environment development indicates that this exhibition includes 780 pieces of clothes and the university president orders that all things will be sold at the cost of 5 l.E to release the burden over the students' shoulders. The earnings of the exhibition will go to the incapable students at the faculty.


 A New initiative being launched in Benha University

A New initiative being launched in Benha University

  • 27 Nov. 2016

Prof.Dr. El-Sayed EL-Kady, the university president launches a new initiative, on Thursday, 24-11-2016, which is about forming 15 student unions at every faculty in the university. These student unions will work for Egypt. This statement concurs with his visit to the faculty of agriculture at Moshtohor in the presence of prof.Dr. Mahmoud Eraqi, the faculty's dean, the faculty's deputies and several professor and students of the faculty. The university president moderate an open discussion with the students stressing that this initiative is in the frame of other initiatives launched when he is in charge of the university. He asserts that these student unions will not go political, but they will be ways to help all the university's student in addition to forming student teams to provide various services to the students in all faculties.


 A Big Warring against Smoking in Benha University

A Big Warring against Smoking in Benha University

  • 27 Nov. 2016

Prof.Dr. El-Sayed EL-Kady, the university president inaugurates the exhibition of artistic production of the students of the faculty of fine arts entitled “A big warning against smoking”. This exhibition was organized at the faculty of medicine in cooperation with the faculty of fine arts. It was attended by prof.Dr. Mahmoud Abd EL-Sabour, the dean of the faculty of medicine, prof.Dr. Ibrahim Rageh, the faculty's deputy of community service and environment development, prof.Dr. Shawky EL-Desoky, the fine arts faculty's deputy of community service and environment development and the general / Talat Mousa, the chancellor of Nasr Military Academy. The exhibition's inauguration is held in the frame of the forum of the societal participation about the role of the armed forces in Egypt development.


The Faculty of Engineering wins the International Robot Contest

The Faculty of Engineering wins the International Robot Contest

  • 27 Nov. 2016

Prof.Dr. El-Sayed EL-Kady, the university president asserts that there is a great development at the faculty of engineering in Benha including the student activities. He says that the faculty will host the qualifying round of the international Robot contest which will be held in Delhi in 16-12-2016. The university president stresses that such event can boost the youth's confidence in addition to his faith in the power of youth whose creativity makes him able to invent a comprehensive Robot system. ... Full Article

 A Forum to be held at the Faculty of Medicine about the Role of the Armed Forces in Egypt Development

A Forum to be held at the Faculty of Medicine about the Role of the Armed Forces in Egypt Development

  • 27 Nov. 2016

The societal union at EL-Qualybia governorate, which is held at the faculty of medicine, hosts the general / Talat Mousa, the chancellor of Nasr Military Academy. This event was held in the presence of prof.Dr. El-Sayed EL-Kady, the university president, prof.Dr. Gamal Ismail, the vice president of community service and environment development, prof.Dr. Mahmoud Abd EL-Sabour, the dean of the faculty of medicine and the faculty deputies. The meeting was moderated by prof.Dr. Ibrahim Rageh, the faculty's deputy of community service and environment development. The university president asserts that all should be hopeful and optimistic to get to know the pros and cons in our society. He adds that the national projects were established for the sake of providing the youth with jobs and stresses that the youth should know how important these projects are lest they fall in the trap of devastating ideas.


Honoring the Creative Students of Benha University

Honoring the Creative Students of Benha University

  • 24 Nov. 2016

The deans' board at the university approved on Prof.Dr. El-Sayed EL-kady, the university president's bulletin to honor some creative students who obtained the first place in Robots international contest which took place in the Zewail University. There are (48) team who participated in this contest. The board also approved to honor the students of the faculty of enegineering team who obtained the second place in the technological innovation realm. There are 43 Arab universities who participated in this competition. The board decided that the Bronze-medal winning team in the ACM contest should be honored. The winners are qualified to the international programming contest which took place in the United States annually in Texas. The honoring ceremony was held in the presence of prof.Dr.Gamal Ismail, the vice president of community service and environment development and several university president's chancellors.


A daily Report Being Presented to the University President Regarding the University's Constructions

A daily Report Being Presented to the University President Regarding the University's Constructions

  • 23 Nov. 2016

The deans' board at the university, headed by prof.Dr. El-Sayed EL-kady, the university president, issued a bulletin that a daily report should be presented to the university president of the current and future constructions. There should be deadlines to finish these designs in “El-Obor land” or the different faculties. There also should be a plan under the supervision of prof. Dr. Gamal Ismail, the vice president to supervise the different constructions in the university according to the budget to meet the demands of the different constructions in the faculties. These bulletins were issued in the deans' board meeting in the presence of prof. Dr. Gamal Ismail, the vice president of community service and environment development, all faculties' deans, the university president's chancellor of geometrical constructions and the university's general secretary.


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