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According to the recommendation of Prof. Dr. Ali Shams EL Din, the President of Benha University to honor distinguished departments and faculties of the University in the fields of publishing news and updating data at the E-portal; initial criteria for evaluating such departments and faculties have been established.
Criteria for evaluating
Source: Electronic portal
The City of Scientific Research and Technological Applications announces for workshop on “Detection of Pathogenic Bacteria in Water and Food” that will be held on June, 25-27, 2012
Information About workshop -
Registration Form
The Egyptian National Commission for Education, Culture and Science has received a letter from the Arab League Educational, Cultural and Scientific Organization (ALECSO) to indicate that the Organization is preparing the user guide of Information and Communication Techniques (ICT)...
Follow link
Source: CIO
In its session on Thursday, 19/04/2012; the Cabinet issued a decision to appoint top graduates of 2011 from the Egyptian universities. Such decision shall be in force from 01/07/2012 with the budget of the fiscal year 2012/2013.
Click Here
Source: Sector of Education and Student Affairs
The Minister of Higher Education approved rules of admission for foreign students who applying for first university degree and postgraduate studies at the Egyptian universities and institutes during the academic year 2012/2013.
Admission Rules
Source: General Department for Scientific and cultural Relations
On Sunday, 03/06/2012; Prof. Dr. Ali Shams El Din, the President of Benha University visited the Faculty of Applied Arts to meet the Faculty members and follow up the exams as well as to open the new Press Building at the Faculty
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