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Project Management Unit (PMU)

Mission and goals of the Unit

In the framework of national plan to develop the higher education and what approved by the Ministry of Higher Education and the Supreme Council of Universities that the need for a fixed structures within the organizational structure of the Egyptian universities to manage development projects within each university and its various units as well as in the framework of the strategic plan for development of the University, Project Management Unit has been established.

First: Mission of the Unit

Mission of PMU represents in intensify efforts to develop and modernize performance of University units of education, research, and management to develop the human energy and financial support through an integrated set of institutional and developing projects reaching to high levels of  quality performance and excellence in harmony with national and international standards.

Second: Goals of the Unit

  • Coordinating the development activities in University units within the framework of the strategic plan for development and through an integrated set of institutional and developing projects according to the following pivots:
    • Faculty and Leadership Development
    • Quality assurance and accreditation
    • Development of structures and capacities of information technology and communications
    • Development of academic and research relations with universities, research centers and agencies funding from inside and outside the country.
    • The Faculty of Education development
  • Serve as the main focal point between the university and Project Management Unit of Higher Education at the Ministry of Higher Education.
  • To be a center for gather academic and research expertise that qualify the University to participate in the implementation of local and national development projects as well as invest the available funding resources to serve the priority areas in the strategy of University development.
  • Facilitate and open effective communication channels between the university and scientific organizations in addition to professional bodies related to development projects of higher education inside and outside.

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