Benha University Portal Project![](Portal/Portal_Diagram_l.png)
Benha portal is a project financed by the Information and Communication Technology Project (ICTP), Projects Management Unit (PMU), Ministry of Higher Education. It is designed to be a bilingual centralized one to provide information and services including:
1) Generic University and Faculty Sites containing information on university President, Vice presidents, University bylaws, Deans, Vice deans, Special units, Faculty agenda, Degrees granted, Journals, Departments, Photo album, Undergraduate bylaws, Postgraduate bylaws, etc.
2) Services to undergraduate and postgraduate students.
3) Services to all university staff members.
4) Services to private sector and civil community.
5) News, announcements.
Central to the concept of the university portal is a single interface enabling access to a range of information sources, applications, and communications facilities including the functionality provided by the e learning management system, the Digital library, and the university management information system (MIS). The portal is a web-based layer which aggregates, integrates, personalizes and presents information, transactions and applications transparently for the users according to their role and preferences.