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University News Archive (Oct. - 2021)

Oct. News List

Benha University President inspects Students Union Elections
29 -Oct. - 2021
Ministerial Decree to renew Appointment of Mohamed Ibrahim as Faculty of Specific Education Dean
26 -Oct. - 2021
List of Candidates for Faculty of Science Deanship
28 -Oct. - 2021
List of Candidates for Faculty of Physical Education Deanship
28 -Oct. - 2021
Final list of Candidates for Faculty of Nursing Deanship
31 -Oct. - 2021
Benha University President inspects Faculties of Education and Specific Education
24 -Oct. - 2021
Mrs.Samia Abd El Hamid congratulates Dr.Gamal Soussa for his new Position as Benha University President
22 -Oct. - 2021
Dr. Tamer Samir inspect Benha University Hostels at Tukh and Shoubra
18 -Oct. - 2021
Benha University President congratulates President El-Sisi on the occasion of the Prophet's birthday
18 -Oct. - 2021
Benha University President inspects Faculties of Commerce and Arts
14 -Oct. - 2021
Dr.Gamal Ismael congratulates Dr.Gamal Soussa for his new Position as Benha University President
15 -Oct. - 2021
Starting Apply for Faculty of Nursing Deanship
17 -Oct. - 2021
Starting Apply for Faculty of Science Deanship
17 -Oct. - 2021
Starting Apply for Faculty of Physical Education Deanship
17 -Oct. - 2021
Dr.Shaban Taha congratulates Dr.Gamal Soussa for his new Position as Benha University President
6 -Oct. - 2021
Benha University President congratulates Benha University on the Occasion of New Academic Year 20212022
7 -Oct. - 2021
Benha University President inspects Faculties of Science and Engineering Benha
10 -Oct. - 2021
Benha University President inspects Faculties of Nursing, Physical Education and Natural Therapy
10 -Oct. - 2021
Benha University Vice President for Education and Students Affairs inspects Faculties of Agriculture and Specific Education
10 -Oct. - 2021
Dr.Safwat Zahran congratulates Dr.Gamal Soussa for his new Position as Benha University President
3 -Oct. - 2021
Dr.Sayed El Qady congratulates Dr.Gamal Soussa for his new Position as Benha University President
4 -Oct. - 2021
Dr.Gamal Soussa congratulates President El Sisi on October's War Victory Anniversary
5 -Oct. - 2021
Dr.Hesham Abu El Enin congratulates Dr.Gamal Soussa for his new Position as Benha University President
5 -Oct. - 2021
Dr. Tamer Samir inspect Benha University Hostels at Kafr Saad And Moshtohor
5 -Oct. - 2021

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