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University News Archive (Nov. - 2016)

Nov. News List

E-Portal posts the financial budget of the financial year 2017/2018
14 -Nov. - 2016
«Private Businesses are the future» says the University President
30 -Nov. - 2016
Signing Cooperation Protocol between Benha University and Rennes University
30 -Nov. - 2016
New programs of English language to meet the Demands of the Marketplace to be held at the faculty of Education
28 -Nov. - 2016
Egyptian Knowledge Bank's workshop to be held in the Faculty of Nursing
28 -Nov. - 2016
«Our Aim is to boost the Student Confidence» says the University president to the Student Activities Officials
28 -Nov. - 2016
A Monthly cultural Saloon to be held in Benha University for the First Time
28 -Nov. - 2016
Honoring the Winners with the Year's Awards at the Faculty of Commerce
29 -Nov. - 2016
A meeting about the Artistic Production of the Students of the Faculty of specific Education in Benha
29 -Nov. - 2016
Prof.Dr. Muhammad Ghanem is the Head of the Third Session of the Accreditation, Quality management and Research
29 -Nov. - 2016
Benha University is in the Egyptian science, technology and innovation observatory
29 -Nov. - 2016
A Forum to be held at the Faculty of Medicine about the Role of the Armed Forces in Egypt Development
27 -Nov. - 2016
The Faculty of Engineering wins the International Robot Contest
27 -Nov. - 2016
A Big Warring against Smoking in Benha University
27 -Nov. - 2016
A New initiative being launched in Benha University
27 -Nov. - 2016
«Draw a Smile» exhibition to be held in the faculty of Education
27 -Nov. - 2016
A daily Report Being Presented to the University President Regarding the University's Constructions
23 -Nov. - 2016
Honoring the Creative Students of Benha University
24 -Nov. - 2016
Benha University is qualified to participate at ACM International Collegiate programming contest May 2017
22 -Nov. - 2016
A New Building for the Faculty of Science
22 -Nov. - 2016
Benha University organizes a Workshop about the Egyptian Knowledge Bank
22 -Nov. - 2016
A Workshop to search for the Requirements of the Marketplace at the Faculty of Engineering in Benha
22 -Nov. - 2016
«The Small and Medium Enterprises is the Best Way to put an end to Unemployment Problem» says the University President
23 -Nov. - 2016
Congratulations to Dr. Islam EL-Sharawy on wining the second prize in «Tamkin 3» contest
23 -Nov. - 2016
Prof.Dr. Alaa EL-Sayed Ahmed Amin is the Executive Manager of the higher education projects development Unit
13 -Nov. - 2016
Prof.Dr. Muhammad Mohammadi Ali Ghanem is the Vice Executive Manager of IT in the University
13 -Nov. - 2016
Prof.Dr. Ahmed Abd-EL-Fatah EL-Bitar is the general Supervisor of the Unified Certificate Extraction Center
15 -Nov. - 2016
The University president inaugurates the New Stadiums at the University Hostel in Moshtohor and Launches «Our Beautiful City» Initiative
15 -Nov. - 2016
The University President Inaugurates the University Hostel in Tokoh after its Closure for 11 Years
15 -Nov. - 2016
The University President has Launch with the Students of the University Hostel in Moshtohor
15 -Nov. - 2016
Prof.Dr. Radwan Radwan Abu-El-Abbas Khalil is the Acting Vice Executive manager of IT units in the University
15 -Nov. - 2016
Prof.Dr.Amr Abd-Hamid EL-Awamry is the Acting Vice Executive manager of IT units in the faculties of the University
15 -Nov. - 2016
Prof.Dr. Ahmed Muhammad Rashad is the general coordinator of the university councils and its subordinated boards
15 -Nov. - 2016
Prof. Dr. Yosry EL-Saied Rizk Hais is the manager of the university hospitals
15 -Nov. - 2016
The participants in the «National Big Project» Forum recommends launching a Big Media coverage for the Citizens to know the National Projects and their Importance
15 -Nov. - 2016
The University President inspects the Educational Process in the Faculty of Arts
16 -Nov. - 2016
The Deans Board in Benha University honors the Family of Martyr Abd-Allah EL-Gendy
16 -Nov. - 2016
«Finishing Cancer-Curing Experiments and medicine is ready to be released after the appovoral of the specialized Doctors» Says Prof.Dr. Mustafa EL-Sayed from Benha University
16 -Nov. - 2016
Post-graduate studies and research sector holds workshops about the Egyptian Knowledge Bank
16 -Nov. - 2016
The University President is Amid the Students of the Faculty of Engineering at Shubra
16 -Nov. - 2016
Benha University Participates in the Scientific Forum about Green buildings and sustaining Energy
16 -Nov. - 2016
The university president pays a sudden tour to the faculty of engineering in Benha
16 -Nov. - 2016
The University President lays Wreath on the Memorial of Army's Martyrs
16 -Nov. - 2016
Benha University holds Courses to Maintain the Link between the Staff Members and the Students
17 -Nov. - 2016
The university's son is awarded by obtaining the highest medal of scouting in the Arab-Region
17 -Nov. - 2016
In the fresh air, the University President has an Open Discussion with the Students of the University Hostel in Moshtohor
20 -Nov. - 2016
Benha University is in the second place at the Arab Universities students Forum
20 -Nov. - 2016
The University President calls for Consumption Rationing to reduce Prices
13 -Nov. - 2016
To Reduce the Prices, Benha University Launches an Initiative to Distribute Four Tons of Sugar on the University Employees
13 -Nov. - 2016
Prof.Dr. Ghazy Mohamed Ratib Assassa is the university president's chancellor of the international relationships
13 -Nov. - 2016
The University President Pays a Sudden Visit to the Faculty of engineering in Benha
13 -Nov. - 2016
Prof.Dr. Mohamed Saied Mohamed Abd-EL-Ghafar is the university president's chancellor of the Geometric Affairs and Technical Supervision of the University Projects
13 -Nov. - 2016
Mr. Sabry Mohamed Mahmoud EL-Gendy is the university president's Media chancellor
13 -Nov. - 2016
Mrs. Amina Muhammad Anwar is the university president's financial chancellor
13 -Nov. - 2016
Prof.Dr. Khalid Hasan Eisawi is the General Coordinator of the student activities and initiatives
13 -Nov. - 2016
The renewal of the entrustment of some University leaders
13 -Nov. - 2016
Appointing prof. Dr. Eslam Abd EL-Gafar EL-Sharawy as the manager of IT Unit in the University
9 -Nov. - 2016
Appointing Prof. Dr. Shady Yehia Abd-EL-Azim Mashad as the manager of IT Portal Project in the University
9 -Nov. - 2016
The Beginning of «National Big Projects» Forum Activities in the Presence of Local development Minister, Qulybia Governor and the President's chancellor of Projects Development
10 -Nov. - 2016
«1620 projects National Projects has been finished from September 2015 to September 2016 at the cost of 150 billion L.E» Says the Local Development Minister
10 -Nov. - 2016
«Getting Out of the Narrow Valley and Making Use of the Vast Spaces is Essential» Says Qulybia Governor
10 -Nov. - 2016
«A Big Educational and Scientific Research Project is on the Way» Says the Former Higher Educational
10 -Nov. - 2016
«We Finished 1620 Projects in many Governorates and we will not proceed on building New Projects until the Current Ones are done» Says the Local Development Minister
10 -Nov. - 2016
«Big projects of electronics, Medicine, Clothes, Major industries at Suez Canal axis» says the Head of the Suez Canal Development Board
10 -Nov. - 2016
Dr. Ahmed Darwish: «The Suez Canal development project is the greatest one in the history of Modern Egypt»
10 -Nov. - 2016
«Building Six Tunnels to transport Five million populations to Sinai» says the President's chancellor of Projects Development
10 -Nov. - 2016
«Building Entrepreneurship Center in the New Administrative Capital» says the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering at Ein-Shams University
10 -Nov. - 2016
The University President Pays a Sudden Visit to the Faculty of Science
9 -Nov. - 2016
A Fee to be imposed on Smoking in Benha University Campus
9 -Nov. - 2016
The Apprenticeship was taken out of its course says the university president
3 -Nov. - 2016
The post-graduate studies board discusses the updating of the research plan to cope up with the National Projects
3 -Nov. - 2016
The University president honors the Top Students in the faculty of arts in the conference of youth and dialogue culture
3 -Nov. - 2016
The University president honors the Top Students in the faculty of arts in the conference of youth and dialogue culture
3 -Nov. - 2016
The University President warns against the conspiracies which seeks to destabilize Egypt
3 -Nov. - 2016
“The university supports the state's plan to reinforce the small businesses” says the University President during the inauguration of the career counseling center
3 -Nov. - 2016
A workshop about the research plan in Benha University
6 -Nov. - 2016
A Forum entitled “The national big projects: The challenges and the future visions"
7 -Nov. - 2016
An agreement of scientific and research cooperation between Benha University and E.M.R.A
7 -Nov. - 2016
The University President Continues his Sudden Tours
8 -Nov. - 2016
The University Leaders Participates in the Sport Festival in the Faculty of Nursing
1 -Nov. - 2016
The Vice president of Surrey University visits the Faculty of Agriculture in Moshtohor
1 -Nov. - 2016

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