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University News Archive (Nov. - 2018)

Nov. News List

28 -Nov. - 2018
Benha university's council heaps praise on the articistic works of painting department in the faculty of specific education
28 -Nov. - 2018
Announcing the final result of the international publishing contest for july 2018
1 -Nov. - 2018
" the university totally supports the stduents' union" say EL-magraby in his first metting of the university's students' union
28 -Nov. - 2018
El-Magraby inaugrates the instructional festival of the hawker
27 -Nov. - 2018
Arranging mechanisms for researches' marketing in Benha university
11 -Nov. - 2018
Bejin university stduents delegation end their visit to benha university
11 -Nov. - 2018
A great demand of the univeristy's students of the clothes fair
11 -Nov. - 2018
The minister of higher education and the minister of education will participate in the international conference of higher education development in Benha University in next January
22 -Nov. - 2018
350 L.E will be paid to the employees of the university as a bonus on the occasion of the prophet 's birth
22 -Nov. - 2018
EL-Magraby heaps praise of the success of the stduents ' union elections at Benha University
22 -Nov. - 2018
El-Magraby congratulates Adawy for being elected as the head of the Arab board of the orthopedic surgery in the health specialization council
21 -Nov. - 2018
A cordial congratulation of the prophet 's birth of the Hajri 1440
19 -Nov. - 2018
EL-Magraby orders to computerize the exams and its E- markings in Benha University
19 -Nov. - 2018
The project of the faculty of science wins the first place according to the assessment of the Japanese authority of science development
14 -Nov. - 2018
The project of the faculty of science wins the first place according to the assessment of the Japanese authority of science development
14 -Nov. - 2018
The supreme council of the universities announces the final list of the candidates of Benha University presidency
14 -Nov. - 2018
Benha University participates in a workshop about the education via the modern devices at the Arab Universities in Jordan
13 -Nov. - 2018
An international magazine in Scopus is headed by Benha University professors
13 -Nov. - 2018
The Cabinet approves to establish the faculty of physical therapy in Benha University
22 -Nov. - 2018
Announcing the results of the stduents ' union elections in Benha University
15 -Nov. - 2018
Abd EL-Halim and EL-Magraby inaugurates the scientific day of the modern ways to diagnose and cure breast swellings
13 -Nov. - 2018
An introductory forum about the Fulbright scholarships
12 -Nov. - 2018
Postponing the interviews of the university's presidency candidates
18 -Nov. - 2018
An introductory forum of the programs presented by the general administration of the missions
19 -Nov. - 2018
A job vacancy at the general service center of the informatics and information technology
18 -Nov. - 2018
Science and technology development fund announces that there is a new course to fund the scientific activities of the young researchers
18 -Nov. - 2018
Ahmed Islam is the head of Benha University's student's union
15 -Nov. - 2018
SCOPUS indexed Journal Edited by Professors from Benha University
13 -Nov. - 2018
On Saturday, 3-11-2018, the candidature is open for the position of Benha University presidency
3 -Nov. - 2018

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