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University News Archive (Dec. - 2018)

Dec. News List

Benha university wins 12 medals at the special needs contest in Alexandria
2 -Dec. - 2018
The ceremony held on the occasion of ending the activities of the Qulubia fair of sciences and engineering
8 -Dec. - 2018
Benha university president participates in Fulbright program of higher education leaders
16 -Dec. - 2018
The time for bio chemistry exams in December 2018
3 -Dec. - 2018
A delegation of the faculty of veterinary medicine visits 57357hospital
9 -Dec. - 2018
The faculty of veterinary medicine participates in the workshop of the international organization for animal health
9 -Dec. - 2018
The faculty's dean visits the center of the cirrulums marketing in the faculty of veterinary medicine at Illinois University
4 -Dec. - 2018
The dean of the faculty of vetenariry medicine visits his peer in Illinois University
4 -Dec. - 2018
The faculty of medicine holds a conference entitled “Together against addiction”
12 -Dec. - 2018
The coronation of Benha University's stduents' union in a big ceremony
12 -Dec. - 2018
The inauguration of art exhibition in a contemporary vision of the students of the faculty of specific education
10 -Dec. - 2018

10 -Dec. - 2018
The candidature is open for the deanship position for the faculty of law
10 -Dec. - 2018
Benha University president holds an introductory session of Egypt prize contest that was launched by his Excellency Mr. Abd EL-Fattah EL-Sisi
9 -Dec. - 2018
A conference to be held in Benha University about the modern visual devices
9 -Dec. - 2018
Launching the initiative of virus-C diagnosis in the faculty of engineering
5 -Dec. - 2018
Benha University discuss the ways of cooperation with Illinois University in America in the veterinary medicine
4 -Dec. - 2018
Developing higher education will be discussed in an international conference in Benha University
4 -Dec. - 2018
Benha University sends convoys to support the needy villages in Qulubia governorate
4 -Dec. - 2018
An introductory forum of 2019 plan of the Chinese scholarship council
2 -Dec. - 2018

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