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Search Word: the faculty

The candidature for deanship position will be opened for the faculty of medicine

The candidature for deanship position will be opened for the faculty of medicine

  • 2 Apr. 2018

The candidature for deanship position will be opened for the faculty of medicine from 7-4-2018 to 12-4-2018 in the office of vice president of educational and students affairs. The candidates should apply by submitting the candidature application attached to the CV.

A veterinary convoy to be sent to the village of Asneit from Benha University

A veterinary convoy to be sent to the village of Asneit from Benha University

  • 28 Feb. 2018

The veterinary convoy has finished its activities in the village of Asneit. The convoy manages to cure 118 animals and 1630 birds. This statement concurs with what prof.Dr. Muhammad Muhammady Ghanem, the faculty's deans has said. Ghanem says that this convoy comes in the frame of the university to preserve the animal stock and guiding the citizens to take care of the animals and birds.

A forum entitled “youth and the political participation” to be held in the faculty of arts in Benha University

A forum entitled “youth and the political participation” to be held in the faculty of arts in Benha University

  • 27 Feb. 2018

Prof.Dr. EL-Sayed El-kady, the university president and prof.Dr. Abeer EL-Rabat, the dean of the faculty of arts forum entitled “youth and the political participation” in the faculty of arts in Benha University in cooperation with Nile center of Media in Qulubia. Prof.Dr. Ragab Megahed delivers a lecture on the big national projects.

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