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 Ministerial decrees to renew appointment of four general managers in Benha University

Ministerial decrees to renew appointment of four general managers in Benha University

  • 14 Jun. 2023

Prof.Dr. Gamal Sosa, BU president announces that there are Ministerial decrees to renew appointment of four general managers in Benha University.

Ministerial Decrees for appointing New Managers at Benha University

Ministerial Decrees for appointing New Managers at Benha University

  • 23 Sep. 2021

Dr. Khaled Abdel Ghaffar, Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, issued ministerial decrees to appoint new managers at Benha University .Dr.Nasser El Gizawy, the acting president of Benha University mentioned that the new appointments included the following; Mr.Mohamed Sayed Mohamed Abd Allah as the faculty of Law manager and Mr. Soliman Abdu Abd El Naby as the manager of Education and Students Affairs at Benha university .with our best wishes and success at their new position.

Ministerial Decrees for appointing New Managers at Benha University

Ministerial Decrees for appointing New Managers at Benha University

  • 15 Apr. 2021

Dr. Khaled Abdel Ghaffar, Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, issued ministerial decrees to appoint new general managers at Benha University. On the other hand, Prof. Dr. Nasser El Gizawy, the acting president of Benha University, said that the issued decrees included appointing of Mr.Ahmed Ragab Ahmed as the General Manager for Scientific and Cultural Relations at Benha University and also the renewal for Mrs.Nermin Yehia Abd El Rahman as the general manager for Administrative Affairs.

Cooperation Protocol between Benha University and Arab Administrative Development Organization

Cooperation Protocol between Benha University and Arab Administrative Development Organization

  • 14 Jan. 2020

Dr Gamal El Saeed, Benha University President has signed a cooperation protocol with Dr Nasser El Qahtany, the general manager for Arab Administrative Development Organization. The protocol was signed in presence of Major General / Abdul Hamid Al-Hagan, El Qalubia Governor, Prof.Dr Hussein El Maghraby, the University Vice-president for Education and Students' Affairs, Dr Gamal Soussa, the University Coordinator and Abd El Qader Abd El Karim , the general coordinator of administrative quality at the University. El Saeed assured that the signed protocol aims to trains students at faculties and give the chance to participate at conferences and workshops and get benefit from the organization experience

Prof.Dr. Ahmed Nagib is appointed as the new manager of the leaders ' preparation center in Benha University

Prof.Dr. Ahmed Nagib is appointed as the new manager of the leaders ' preparation center in Benha University

  • 12 Dec. 2019

Prof.Dr. Gamal EL-Saied, the university president issues a decree to appoint Prof.Dr. Ahmed Nagib as the new manager of the leaders ' preparation center in Benha University wishing him success and prosperity.

Prof.Dr. Ahmed Nagib is appointed as the new manager of the leaders ' preparation center in Benha University

Prof.Dr. Ahmed Nagib is appointed as the new manager of the leaders ' preparation center in Benha University

  • 12 Dec. 2019

Prof.Dr. Gamal EL-Saied, the university president issues a decree to appoint Prof.Dr. Ahmed Nagib as the new manager of the leaders ' preparation center in Benha University wishing him success and prosperity

It is time to apply to fill the position of the executive manager of settled- envoys care office

It is time to apply to fill the position of the executive manager of settled- envoys care office

  • 9 Dec. 2019

Under the auspices of Prof.Dr. Gamal EL-Saied, the university president, the sector of educational and students affairs announces that it is time to apply to fill the position of the executive manager of settled- envoys care office staring from the announcement date

Dr Khalid Abd El Ghaffar appoints Eight General Managers at Benha University

Dr Khalid Abd El Ghaffar appoints Eight General Managers at Benha University

  • 4 Nov. 2019

Dr Khalid Abd El Ghaffar, minister of High Education and Scientific Research has issued a decree to appoint eight general managers at Benha University. The decree was issued in presence of Dr Gamal El Saeed, Benha University President and included the following; MrRamadan Ali Mousse was appointed as the general manager for Accounts and Budget, MrMustafa Abd El Rahman Abu El Dahab was appointed as the general secretary for faculty of Commerce. Mr Wael Fouad was appointed as the general manager for Secretariat of the University Councils, Mrs Nermin Yehia Abd El Rahman was appointed as the general manager for Administrative Affairs. MrRaffat Abd El Aziz was appointed as the general manager for Post Graduate Studies and Researches, Mr Ahmed Ragab Afify was appointed as the general manager for Scientific and Cultural Relations, Mrs Manal Farouk Tawfik was appointed as the general manager for Engineering Affairs and MrMagdy Ali Lashin was appointed as the general manger for Faculty Members staff affairs

El Saeed appoints two Deputies for the Academic Manager at El Obour Branch

El Saeed appoints two Deputies for the Academic Manager at El Obour Branch

  • 29 Aug. 2019

Dr Gamal El Saeed, Benha University President issued a decree to appoint Dr Hazem Muhammad Elewa as the deputy of El Obour Branch for programs development. El Saeed also issued another decree to appoint Dr Yasser Abd El Sattar Ismael as the deputy of El Obour branch for Education and Students Affairs. El Saeed said that El Obour branch has activated biotechnology program,Faculty of Commerce English division and Faculty of Law English division

Prof.Dr. Shady EL-Mashad is appointed as the manager of the center of general service of informatics and information technology

Prof.Dr. Shady EL-Mashad is appointed as the manager of the center of general service of informatics and information technology

  • 17 Mar. 2019

Prof.Dr. Hussien Magraby, the acting university president appoints the prof.Dr. Shady EL-Mashad as the manager of the general service center of informatics and information technology wishing him success for being in charge.

Ragah is a general manager of the university's hospital

Ragah is a general manager of the university's hospital

  • 1 Feb. 2018

Prof.Dr. EL-Sayed EL-Kady, the university president decides to appoint prof.Dr. Ibrahim Ragah as a general manager of the university's hospital in addition to appointing Hamed Rayan as an administrative manager of the university's hospital.

The vice president of community service inspects the students' elections

The vice president of community service inspects the students' elections

  • 11 Dec. 2017

Prof.Dr. Gamal Ismail, the vice president of community service and environment development goes on a tour to inspect the students' elections. He is accompanied by prof.Dr. Khalid Esawi, the coordinator of the students' activities in the University and prof.Dr. Moshbeh EL-Kehily, the general manager of youth care unit. The vice president heaps praise on the students' elections.

EL-Kady heaps praise on the performance of the University hospitals and urges the employees to exert more efforts to satisfy the citizens

EL-Kady heaps praise on the performance of the University hospitals and urges the employees to exert more efforts to satisfy the citizens

  • 3 Dec. 2017

Benha University's council discusses, under the presidency of prof.Dr. EL-Sayed EL-Kady, the University president, the report of prof.Dr. Yosry EL-Saied, the general manager of the University hospitals in which he says that number of the patients has been increased during last October as it reaches 33,000 patients. The university president urges the employees to exert more effort to satisfy the citizens and provide them with high quality services.

“We aspire to have qualified graduates for the labor market” says El-kady in the meeting of quality assurance units managers

“We aspire to have qualified graduates for the labor market” says El-kady in the meeting of quality assurance units managers

  • 28 Nov. 2017

Prof.Dr. EL-Sayed EL-Kady, the university president stresses that the Egyptian universities are considered the home of experience and the communities have to make use of them. The universities have to serve the community and the Egyptian universities aspire to have qualified graduates for the labor market and the community needs.

“Citizens complacency about the hospitals is our priority” says EL-kady in the faculty of medicine' council

“Citizens complacency about the hospitals is our priority” says EL-kady in the faculty of medicine' council

  • 22 Nov. 2017

The faculty of medicine's council holds a meeting under the presidency of prof.Dr. EL-Sayed EL-kady, the university president, prof.Dr. Mahmoud Abd El-Sabour, the faculty's dean, the deputies, the heads of the departments and the general manager of the university hospital. EL-kady opens the session by greeting the faculties' members, the teaching assistants, the employees and the students and congratulates them on the occasion of the prophet's birth in addition to urging all those who work in the university to work hard and enhance the university's ranking. He also says that the Citizens complacency about the hospitals is a priority.

The inauguration of proceeding of the fifth forum of quality assurance managers of the Universities in Benha University

The inauguration of proceeding of the fifth forum of quality assurance managers of the Universities in Benha University

  • 28 Nov. 2017

Benha University witnesses the inauguration of proceeding of the fifth forum of quality assurance managers of the Universities in Benha University and it is organized by the national authority of quality assurance and accreditation. There are 41 universities that participate in this event. Prof.Dr. Youhansen Eid, the head of the authority stresses that this event should be held regularly to exchange experience, providing support to the quality assurance units in the universities and discuss many topics related to the impact of accreditation on the education quality.

Congratulations to the IT unit in the faculty of physical education no their excellence

Congratulations to the IT unit in the faculty of physical education no their excellence

  • 20 Nov. 2017

The CEO of the It and IT managers in the University congratulate the IT unit in the faculty of the physical education on the accomplishments they achieve wishing them success and prosperity.

Benha University participates in a workshop entitled “the new open learning”

Benha University participates in a workshop entitled “the new open learning”

  • 14 May 2017

Under the auspices of prof.Dr. El-Sayed EL-Kady, The university president and prof.Dr. Hesham Abu EL-Enin, the vice president of post-graduate studies and research, a delegation of Benha University participates in a workshop entitled “the new open learning” on Thursday, 11-5-2017. The workshop was attended by prof.Dr. Ghazi Assasa, the university president chancellor of IT , prof.Dr. Muhammad Ghanem, the vice executive manager of IT and the head of the E-learning, and prof.Dr. Ezat EL-Khiat, the head of open learning center.

The IT portal gets 100% as an assessment from the supreme council of the universities

The IT portal gets 100% as an assessment from the supreme council of the universities

  • 24 Apr. 2017

Benha University achieves a great accomplishment around the Egyptian universities as The IT portal gets 100% as an assessment from the supreme council of the universities in third quarter (January-February-March 2017). Prof.Dr. Ghazi Assasa thanks Prof Dr. El-Sayed EL-kady, the university president, the vice presidents, the university leaders of those who participate in such outstanding achievement in addition to thanking the IT portal team and its manager prof.Dr. Shady EL-Mashad and prof.Dr. Islam EL-Sharaway for his efforts in supporting the activities of IT portal.

 State of alert in the university hospitals and blood sacs to be transferred from Benha to Tanta to help the injured

State of alert in the university hospitals and blood sacs to be transferred from Benha to Tanta to help the injured

  • 10 Apr. 2017

Prof.Dr. EL-Sayed El-Kady, the university president decides that the university's hospitals should stay alert to receive all the injured in addition that he calls prof.Dr. Mahmoud Abu Sabour, the dean of the faculty of medicine and Dr. Yosry EL-Saied, the general manager of the university's hospital to make sure that everything is up and running in the hospitals.

Benha University is in the third place in the E-Learning

Benha University is in the third place in the E-Learning

  • 23 Mar. 2017

Benha University is in the third place in the E-Learning according to the assessment of the supreme council of the universities at the end of the second quarter of December 2016. Prof.Dr. Muhammad Muhammady Ghanem, the head of the E-Learning center thanks those who achieve such an accomplishment starting from prof.Dr. El-Sayed EL-Kady, the university president and their vice presidents to prof.Dr. Ghazi Assasa, the executive manager of IT.

 The participation of Benha University's delegation in Microsoft conference in the Nile Ritz hotel at Cairo

The participation of Benha University's delegation in Microsoft conference in the Nile Ritz hotel at Cairo

  • 21 Mar. 2017

Benha University's delegation participates in Microsoft conference in the Nile Ritz hotel at Cairo on Monday, 20-3-2017 where the applications of Microsoft can be used in the university campus in the educational process. The conference is attended by prof.Dr. Nabil Hasan, the executive manager of the projects management administration in the ministry of higher education and Eng. / Tarek Ali, the ICTP official, prof.Dr. Ghazi Assasa, the executive manager of IT, prof.Dr. Lotfy Abu Salim, the head of the training project of IT, prof.Dr. Muhammad Muhammad Ghanem, the vice executive manager of IT, prof.Dr. Mazen Selim, the head of digital network, prof.Dr. Reda Omar, the Mis manger, prof.Dr.Shady EL-Mashad, the manager of the E-Portal and Eng. Ahmed Shibel, the engineer at the digital network.

 The participation of Benha University's delegation in Microsoft conference in the Nile Ritz hotel at Cairo

The participation of Benha University's delegation in Microsoft conference in the Nile Ritz hotel at Cairo

  • 21 Mar. 2017

Benha University's delegation participates in Microsoft conference in the Nile Ritz hotel at Cairo on Monday, 20-3-2017 where the applications of Microsoft can be used in the university campus in the educational process. The conference is attended by prof.Dr. Nabil Hasan, the executive manager of the projects management administration in the ministry of higher education and Eng. / Tarek Ali, the ICTP official, prof.Dr. Ghazi Assasa, the executive manager of IT, prof.Dr. Lotfy Abu Salim, the head of the training project of IT, prof.Dr. Muhammad Muhammad Ghanem, the vice executive manager of IT, prof.Dr. Mazen Selim, the head of digital network, prof.Dr. Reda Omar, the Mis manger, prof.Dr.Shady EL-Mashad, the manager of the E-Portal and Eng. Ahmed Shibel, the engineer at the digital network.

The Meeting of the IT managers in the faculty of engineering/ Shubra

The Meeting of the IT managers in the faculty of engineering/ Shubra

  • 12 Mar. 2017

The IT managers held their meeting, under the presidency of prof.Dr. Ghazi Assasa, the university president's chancellor of the IT, on wendesday, 8-3-2017 at the department of mechanical engineering as follows:

The Meeting of the IT managers in the faculty of engineering/ Shubra

The Meeting of the IT managers in the faculty of engineering/ Shubra

  • 12 Mar. 2017

The IT managers held their meeting, under the presidency of prof.Dr. Ghazi Assasa, the university president's chancellor of the IT, on wendesday, 8-3-2017 at the department of mechanical engineering as follows:

The Meeting of the IT managers in the faculty of engineering/ Shubra

The Meeting of the IT managers in the faculty of engineering/ Shubra

  • 12 Mar. 2017

The IT managers held their meeting, under the presidency of prof.Dr. Ghazi Assasa, the university president's chancellor of the IT, on wendesday, 8-3-2017 at the department of mechanical engineering as follows:

The Meeting of the IT managers in the faculty of engineering/ Shubra

The Meeting of the IT managers in the faculty of engineering/ Shubra

  • 12 Mar. 2017

The IT managers held their meeting, under the presidency of prof.Dr. Ghazi Assasa, the university president's chancellor of the IT, on wendesday, 8-3-2017 at the department of mechanical engineering as follows:

The Meeting of the IT managers in the faculty of engineering/ Shubra

The Meeting of the IT managers in the faculty of engineering/ Shubra

  • 12 Mar. 2017

The IT managers held their meeting, under the presidency of prof.Dr. Ghazi Assasa, the university president's chancellor of the IT, on wendesday, 8-3-2017 at the department of mechanical engineering as follows:

  Job Vacancies Advertisement No. (2) To fill the Position of General Manager in Benha university 2017

Job Vacancies Advertisement No. (2) To fill the Position of General Manager in Benha university 2017

  • 17 Jan. 2017

Benha University announces its need for fill the position of general manager in the university. The job vacancy is the secretary of the faculty of agriculture. For those interested in filling the vacancy, they should have the experience, the leading abilities and the scientific qualifications. The application should be presented personally in the name of the Prof.Dr. El-Sayed El-Kady, the university president and handed to technical secretariat of the consistent committee of the leaders during 15 days of the advertisement.

The Inauguration of the Specialized Clinics at the University Hospital to serve the Inhabitants of the El-Qulubia

The Inauguration of the Specialized Clinics at the University Hospital to serve the Inhabitants of the El-Qulubia

  • 25 Dec. 2016

Dr. Yosry El-Saied, the general manager of the university hospital announces that the night specialized clinics are inaugurated in the hospital according to the instructions of prof.Dr. El-Sayed EL-Kady, the University president to improve the healthcare service to the inhabitants of the El-Qulubia. El-Saied says that the new clinics work daily form 3 p.m. to 7 p.m. and the majors are surgery, Andrology, cardiology and chest surgery and the other majors will be available soon to provide a quality healthcare services to the sons of the governorate.

Prof.Dr. Alaa EL-Sayed Ahmed Amin is the Executive Manager of the higher education projects development Unit

Prof.Dr. Alaa EL-Sayed Ahmed Amin is the Executive Manager of the higher education projects development Unit

  • 13 Nov. 2016

Benha University congratulates Prof.Dr. , Alaa EL-Sayed Ahmed Amin, the professor of the analytical chemistry at the faculty of science on being the Executive Manager of the higher education projects development Unit for one year wishing him great success in his new position.

Prof.Dr. Muhammad Mohammadi Ali Ghanem is the Vice Executive Manager of IT in the University

Prof.Dr. Muhammad Mohammadi Ali Ghanem is the Vice Executive Manager of IT in the University

  • 13 Nov. 2016

Benha University congratulates Prof.Dr. Muhammad Mohammadi Ali Ghanem, the head of the animal department at the faculty of veterinary medicine on being the vice Executive Manager of IT for one year wishing him great success in his new position.

Prof.Dr. Radwan Radwan Abu-El-Abbas Khalil is the Acting Vice Executive manager of IT units in the University

Prof.Dr. Radwan Radwan Abu-El-Abbas Khalil is the Acting Vice Executive manager of IT units in the University

  • 15 Nov. 2016

Benha University congratulates Prof.Dr. Radwan Radwan Abu-El-Abbas Khalil, the lecturer in botany department at the faculty of science on being the Acting Vice Executive manager of IT units in the University for one year wishing him great success in his new position.

Prof.Dr.Amr Abd-Hamid EL-Awamry is the Acting Vice Executive manager of IT units in the faculties of the University

Prof.Dr.Amr Abd-Hamid EL-Awamry is the Acting Vice Executive manager of IT units in the faculties of the University

  • 15 Nov. 2016

Benha University congratulates Prof.Dr. Amr Abd-Hamid EL-Awamry, the lecturer in electro-engineering department at the faculty of engineering on being the Acting Vice Executive manager of IT units in the faculties of the University for one year wishing him great success in his new position.

Prof. Dr. Yosry EL-Saied Rizk Hais is the manager of the university hospitals

Prof. Dr. Yosry EL-Saied Rizk Hais is the manager of the university hospitals

  • 15 Nov. 2016

Benha University congratulates Prof.Dr. Yosry EL-Saied Rizk Hais , the head of the cardiology surgery department at the faculty of medicine on being the manager of the university hospitals for one year wishing him great success in his new position.

Appointing prof. Dr. Eslam Abd EL-Gafar EL-Sharawy as the manager of IT Unit in the University

Appointing prof. Dr. Eslam Abd EL-Gafar EL-Sharawy as the manager of IT Unit in the University

  • 9 Nov. 2016

Benha University congratulates Prof. Dr. Eslam Abd EL-Gafar El-Sharawy, the lecturer at the faculty of engineering in Shubra on being the manager of IT unit wishing him success in his new position.

Appointing Prof. Dr. Shady Yehia Abd-EL-Azim Mashad as the manager of IT Portal Project in the University

Appointing Prof. Dr. Shady Yehia Abd-EL-Azim Mashad as the manager of IT Portal Project in the University

  • 9 Nov. 2016

Benha University congratulates Prof. Dr. Shady Yehia Abd-EL-Azim Mashad, the lecturer at the faculty of engineering in Shubra on being the manager of IT portal project wishing him success in his new position.

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