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Cooperation Protocol between Benha University and National Company of Animal Production

Cooperation Protocol between Benha University and National Company of Animal Production

  • 10 Jan. 2021

Prof.Gamal Al Saeed , Benha University President has signed a joint cooperation protocol with Major General Doctor Fayez Muhammad Abaza, the Chairman of the National Company for Animal Production. The protocol has been signed in presence of Dr. Nasser El Gizawy, the University Vice-president for Post Graduate Studies and Researches ' Affairs and Prof. Tamer Samir, Benha University Vice-president for Education and Students` Affairs , Dr. Gamal Soussa , the General Supervisor on Community Service and Environment Affairs Sector and Prof.Dr. Mohamed Ghanim, the dean of Veterinary Medicine Faculty.

The University president inspects the Farm of animal production at the Faculty of Agriculture in Moshtohor

The University president inspects the Farm of animal production at the Faculty of Agriculture in Moshtohor

  • 22 Jan. 2017

Prof.Dr. EL-Sayed El-Kady, the university president inspects the farms of animal production at the faculty of agriculture in Moshtohor. The visit was about making sure that nutrition, ancestry production, feedlot management and buffaloes are nicely up and running. The university president was accompanied by prof.Dr. Mahmoud Eraqi, the dean of the faculty of agriculture, prof.Dr. Muhammad Abu Salim, the dean of the faculty of veterinary medicine, the faculty's deputies and the faculties' members. The university president stresses that there should be cooperation between both faculties in the animal production sector in order to enhance and develop the production in the farms.

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