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Search Word: Spring

 Al-Gizawi congratulates Benha University staff on the Occasion of the Spring Holidays

Al-Gizawi congratulates Benha University staff on the Occasion of the Spring Holidays

  • 5 May 2024

Dr. Nasser El-Gizawy, President of Benha University, congratulates the faculty members, students and the University employees on the occasion of celebrating the spring and Sham El-Nessim holidays, wishing Egypt, its people, the University employees to spend happy days.

BU President congratulates all the Staff on the Occasion of Spring Feasts

BU President congratulates all the Staff on the Occasion of Spring Feasts

  • 24 Apr. 2022

Prof. Dr. Gamal Sosa, Benha University President congratulated all the staff and students at Benha University on the Occasion of Spring Feasts, he hoped that God Almighty blesses us and he hoped welfare, prosperity and peace for all Egyptian people.

El Gizawy congratulates the Copts on the Occasion of Spring Feasts

El Gizawy congratulates the Copts on the Occasion of Spring Feasts

  • 1 May 2021

Prof. Dr. Nasser El Gizawy, the acting President of Benha University sent a cable of congratulations to/ the Pope Tawadros II, the Pope of Alexandria and Patriarch of Saint Mark Episcopate and the chems / Sergius Sergius, the agent of the Cathedral of Mark in Abbasia on the occasion of the Glorious Easter feast.

Happy Spring Feasts 2020

Happy Spring Feasts 2020

  • 18 Apr. 2020

Dr Gamal El Saeed, Benha University President, Prof.Dr. Hussein El Maghraby, the University Vice-president for Education and Students ' Affairs, Prof.Dr. Randa Mohamed Ahmed Mustafa, Benha University Vice- President for Community Service Affairs and Prof.Dr.Nasser El Gezawy, Benha University Vice-President for Post graduate Studies and Scientific Research congratulate Benha University staff on the occasion of Spring Feasts and hope welfare, prosperity and peace for all Egyptian people

Increasing the levels of emergency in Benha University hospitals for the spring holidays

Increasing the levels of emergency in Benha University hospitals for the spring holidays

  • 28 Apr. 2019

Prof.Dr. Gamal El-Saied, the university president decides to increase the levels of emergency in Benha University hospitals for the spring holidays. He also decides to cancels all days-off until the end of the occasion while stressing that the University hospitals should be well-ready to receive any patients at any times.

El-Saied congratulates Benha University on the occasion of spring feast

El-Saied congratulates Benha University on the occasion of spring feast

  • 24 Apr. 2019

Prof.Dr. Gamal El-Saied, the university president congratulates Benha University's faculties' members, the employees and the students on the occasion of spring feast wishing all of them a happy feast

Honoring prof.Dr. Muhammad Ghanem from Springer publishing house

Honoring prof.Dr. Muhammad Ghanem from Springer publishing house

  • 27 Sep. 2017

Springer publishing house sent an appreciation letter to prof.Dr. Muhammad Ghanem, the professor of the faculty of veterinary medicine to honor his efforts for publishing many researches in his field.

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