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Search Word: The administrative control

“The employees should be selected efficiently” says Qulubia security director

“The employees should be selected efficiently” says Qulubia security director

  • 11 Dec. 2017

General/ Muhammad Tawfik EL-Hamzaway, Qulubia security director stresses that the employees should be selected efficiently and he also urges to fire the corrupts out of the state' organizations. Qulubia security director stresses on the role played by the Universities to fight corruption by increasing the awareness among the students and make use of its scientists. Such an event is attended by prof.Dr. EL-Sayed EL-Kady, prof.Dr. Amr Ezat Salama, general / Mahmoud Ashmawy, the head of the administrative control, people's assembly representatives, the faculties' deans and the faculties' members and the students.

 “Fighting corruption is our responsibility” says Qulubia governor in Benha University

“Fighting corruption is our responsibility” says Qulubia governor in Benha University

  • 11 Dec. 2017

General / Mahmoud Ashmawy, Qulubia governor stresses that the governorate has an ambitious plan to fight corruption as it is one of the biggest challenges that confront Egypt on its way to progress. Such an event is attended by prof.Dr. EL-Sayed EL-Kady, prof.Dr. Amr Ezat Salama, general / Mahmoud Ashmawy, the head of the administrative control, people's assembly representatives, the faculties' deans and the faculties' members and the students.

“I appreciate my colleagues and I will not be hesitant to put an end to a corruption suspicion” says the university president

“I appreciate my colleagues and I will not be hesitant to put an end to a corruption suspicion” says the university president

  • 12 Oct. 2017

Prof.Dr.El-Sayed EL-Kady, the university president stresses that the Egyptian universities are the least corrupted institutes in Egypt. This comes in accordance with the report of the supervision institutes including the administrative control authority. El-kady asserts that he respects the employees and the faculties' members in Benha University and he is never hesitant to put an end to any corruption suspicions of the faculties' members and employees.

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