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Last visit: 2025-01-18 13:49:45
Dr. Nasser El-Gizawy, President of Benha University, announced that Stanford University has released a list of names of the "
Top 2% of Scientists in the World", totalling more than 217,000 scientists from 167 countries classified in 22 scientific fields, divided into 176 specialties based on the Scopus database. 25 scholars from the university have appeared in various scientific fields as indicated in the following link:
El-Gizawy pointed out that the appearance of some university scholars in this international report is a significant achievement for the researchers at the university, indicating the quality of their research outputs. The study results are based on the Scopus database of the esteemed international publisher and have recently been published in the journal PLOS Biology, classified into 22 scientific fields and 176 subfields.
He added that this reflects the efforts made by the University in the recent period to enhance scientific research and increase the number of research publications in internationally recognized scientific journals, in addition to the support provided by the university to researchers to achieve the quality of scientific research outputs.
The President of Benha University congratulates the university's scholars whose names have appeared on the list of the top 2% of scientists globally, wishing them success and further progress in their scientific careers.
Source: Sector of University President
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